Police Unload Smuggling Of Hundreds Of Bal Of Imported Used Clothing In Makassar

The Directorate of Special Criminal Investigation and Investigation (Direskrimsus) of the South Sulawesi Police together with the Task Force (Satgas) of the Ministry of Trade uncovered the smuggling of hundreds of used imported bales in the Makassar Industrial Estate (KIMA), Tamalanrea District, Makassar, South Sulawesi.
"The discovery of hundreds of sacks containing used illegal imported clothes or claw is based on reports from the public regarding the activities of workers who are packing these clothes," said Director of Criminal Investigation at the South Sulawesi Police, Kombes Pol Helmy Kwarta Kusuma Rauf, quoted by ANTARA, Wednesday, March 29.
From this information, he said, the team together with the Ministry of Trade Task Force (Kemendag) then traced the warehouse and carried out a raid on the location in question in the warehouse area of KIMA Makassar and secured evidence.
It is suspected that the owner of this item immediately fled when he learned about the search in his warehouse. However, the identity of the alleged perpetrator has been pocketed by officers.
"The warehouse owner with the initials W fled when he was raided, now he is still being chased by officers," said Helmy.
For the purposes of further investigation, he said, officers then put up a police line in the warehouse. Evidence of hundreds of sacks containing used clothes / sacks will be transported to be secured at the South Sulawesi Police Office.
Helmy emphasized that the police together with related agencies will continue to coordinate, carry out patrols, and supervise the entry of the imported clothing items to the South Sulawesi region.
"This action is in accordance with the president's directives and instructions because it is considered disturbing the running of the textile industry in Indonesia," he said.