Pros And Cons Of The Israeli National Team Come To Indonesia, Who Are Firmly Opposing?

The polemic of the arrival of the Israeli national team to participate in the U20 World Cup is still heating up in Indonesia. The international football event will be held in Indonesia from May 20 to June. The pros and cons of the Israeli national team also seemed to divide stakeholders into two camps.

A number of government officials, agencies, and organizations firmly rejected the presence of the Israeli national team. The rejection was carried out on the grounds of taking sides with humanity, motivated by the Palestinian Israeli conflict. The rejection action is also said to be a form of consistency in Indonesia in defending Palestine.

While there are also pro parties or accepting Israeli arrivals because. The reason from the pro side is the loss that can be obtained if they refuse the arrival of Israel until it is sanctioned by FIFA. Another reason that arises is because it can be a diplomatic opportunity for the peace of Palestine and Israel.

The International Football Federation (FIFA) immediately responded to the polemic of the rejection of the Israeli national team in Indonesia. As a result of this polemic, the draw for the U20 World Cup preliminary round was canceled and the status of the host was in danger of being moved.

The Indonesian government and PSSI continue to lobby FIFA to find a way out of this polemic. However, the pros and cons of the Israeli national team are still blowing widely in the country. So who rejects the arrival of Israel?

Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo publicly revealed that he rejected Israel's arrival in the U20 World Cup which was held in Indonesia. Ganjar opposes Israel from competing in Central Java or the Surakarta Manahan Stadium. The reason this white-haired man rejected Israel was due to his commitment and support for Palestinian independence.

A similar rejection was also made by the Governor of Bali I Wayan Koster. Wayan Koster has even written to the Minister of Youth and Sports (Menpora) about his attitude in rejecting Israel's arrival to play in Bali or Captain I Wayan Dipta Stadium.

The rejection of Israel was also echoed by a number of mass organizations, such as the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), Muhammadiyah East Java, the Solo Raya Alination (Ansor), to the Medical Emergency Rescue Committee.

MUI is of the view that Israel's presence in Indonesia could cause problems in society. The public still thinks Israel, which is a Jewish state, is an occupation for Palestine. because the issue is very sensitive, the arrival of Israel is very vulnerable to triggering conflict in society.

Said Aqil Siradj, the former General Chair of PBNU, also openly rejected Israel's presence in the U20 World Cup. According to him, rejection of Israel is non-negotiable because it is already listed in the Qur'an. He also said that this opposition was an attitude of Indonesia's consistency in favor of Palestine as an Islamic state in conflict with Israel.

Israel's rejection was also firmly conveyed by a number of political parties, such as the Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP), Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS), Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP).

Muhammad Nasir Djamil, a member of Commission III of the DPR RI PKS faction, rejected Isarel's arrival in the U20 World Cup match. Nasir said that the rejection was not due to religious reasons, but because of humanity and colonialism. Nasir said that the PKS faction refused the Israeli team to come to Indonesia as a form of the government's commitment to the constitution.

Behind the many resistances to Israel, there are a number of parties who support Israel's presence in Indonesia for the U20 World Cup. The following is a list of parties who support the arrival of Israel.

Former Vice President Jusuf Kalla has no problem with the arrival of the Israeli national team to Indonesia. Jusuf Kalla said that the U20 World Cup event was actually a momentum to get to know Israel. He said that from there Indonesia could go further and play an active role in upholding justice for the Palestinian people.

Jusuf Kalla believes that accepting the arrival of Israel at the U20 World Cup can actually build peace efforts. Indonesia can play a role in fighting for the rights of Palestinians, through dialogue with Israel.

Yahya Cholil Staquf, the chairman of PBNU, also did not question the arrival of the Israeli national team to Indonesia. Instead, he questioned the attitude of rejection by a number of parties. According to him, the arrival of Israel to the homeland did not harm the Palestinian position. Just rejection without real action will also not be useful.

Yahya Cholil said that Indonesia should increase its bargaining power in the international arena. Thus, Indonesia increasingly has the power to fight for Palestinian independence.

Those are a number of pros against the Israeli national team who will take part in the U20 World Cup which is planned to be held in Indonesia. A number of observers actually considered that in the polemic there were issues or domestic political interests in the country.

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