8 Political Parties In Aceh Form A United Pidie Coalition, But Not To 'Defeat' Aceh Party In DPRK

BANDA ACEH - Eight out of nine political parties (parpol) that occupy seats in the Pidie District People's Legislative Council (DPRK) formed and declared a United Pidie Coalition as an effort to bring about change and people's welfare.

"This coalition is not to defeat the Aceh Party (local party) in the DPRK, there are no enemies or opponents, but only want to repair and restore," said Democratic DPD Chair Teuku Syawal in Sigli as reported by ANTARA, Tuesday, March 21.

Syahwal mentioned the eight national parties, namely the Karya Group (Golkar), the Great Indonesia Movement (Gerindra), the Democrats, the Darul Aceh Party (PDA), the National Mandate Party (PAN), the Nanggroe Aceh Party (PNA), the National Awakening Party (PKB), and NasDem.

The eight parties agreed and are committed to forming a United Pidie Coalition in order to carry out a mission of socially just change for the benefit of community development in the local district.

With this coalition, according to him, together with the same vision and mission they will take on the role of doing something even better for Pidie.

Meanwhile, Chairman of DPD II Golkar Pidie T. Saifullah said the United Pidie Coalition aims to strengthen synergy, harmonization, and critical solidarity over the blockage of political communication in supervising various development policies there.

"The eight political parties that joined agreed and are determined to fight for the basic values ​​and main points of view that we have discussed," said T. Saifullah.

As for this point, he continued, the role and position of DPRK Pidie members in absorbing and conveying community aspirations for change, and regional progress has so far been stagnant or ambiguous.

Because of this, his party agreed to realize the critical awareness of legislators individually and institutionally in overseeing the course of concern for the performance of the government which seems increasingly loaded with personal interests, executive officials, and certain groups of political parties so that the practice of collusion, corruption, and nepotism (KKN) is increasingly gripping.

The coalition will also oversee the continuity of the electoral agenda that is harmonious, with integrity, honesty, and fairness, and rejects various forms of deceit in order to create executive and legislative leadership that is in favor of the interests of the people.

In every decision-making or strategic political policy in the DPRK Pidie institution, he said, it must be discussed and decided in accordance with the results of deliberations with this coalition.

In addition, his party also agreed that the points outlined would be formulated more realistically and further translated into a constructive, systematic, and sustainable action plan.

"With these commitments, we hope to become the foundation for building a changed and dignified Pidie as it should be," said T. Saifullah.