Complete Dossier, Suspect Of Child Domestic Violence At Signature Park Tebet Apartment Has Been Transferred To South Jakarta Prosecutor's Office

The South Jakarta Metro Police has transferred a case file for domestic violence (KDRT), with the suspect RIS, a former OVO employee, to the South Jakarta District Attorney (Jaksel).

"It is stage 2, the transfer of case files and suspects to the South Jakarta District Attorney's Office, because the case file is declared complete," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the South Jakarta Metro Police, Kompol Irwandhy Idrus in a short message, Tuesday, March 21.

The Head of the South Jakarta District Attorney's Office, Syarief Sulaeman Nahdi, said the same thing. He said that today the suspect and evidence would also be handed over to the prosecutor's office.

"Yes, that's right and today the surrender of the suspect and evidence," he concluded.

Previously, it was reported that the South Jakarta Metro Police named Raden Indrajana Sofiandi (RIS) as a suspect in the domestic violence case on Friday, January 6. RIS has abused two of his biological children KR and KA at the Signature Park Apartment, Tebet. The act of persecution by RIS went viral on social media.

The articles alleged against RIS are Article 76C Jo 80 of Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Child Protection Jo 44 of Law Number 23 of 2004 and Jo Article 335 of the Criminal Code concerning the Elimination of Domestic Violence.