Meeting In Moscow: President Putin Ready To Discuss Ukraine's Crisis Peace Proposal, Xi Jinping Says The Two Countries Have The Same Goal

JAKARTA - Russian President Vladimir Putin praised his country's relations with China, as he welcomed Bamboo Curtain country leader Xi Jinping on Monday, reaffirming the close relations between the two sides.

Chinese leader Xi Jinping arrived in Moscow at around 10:30 a.m. and immediately held an informal meeting with President Putin on Monday afternoon, followed by dinner, before holding official talks tomorrow, reported Reuters March 20.

"In recent years, China has made a big leap forward," President Putin told the leader Xi sitting beside him, as quoted by CNN.

"All over the world, this raises interest, and unfortunately, even jealousy. Symbolically, we met here 10 years ago during your first visit as China's elected representative. So far, we have made progress in the relationship. We have many interests and the same goals," he explained.

Furthermore, President Putin also told Xi's leader Russia was ready to discuss Beijing's proposals to resolve the crisis in Ukraine, saying Moscow had "studied carefully" the proposals.

"Of course, we will have the opportunity to discuss this issue. We know, you are based on the principles of justice and commitment to fundamental points of international law," he explained.

"You also know that we are always open to the negotiation process. We will definitely discuss all these issues, including your initiative," he added.

On the occasion President Putin also said he respected China's balanced approach to the Ukraine crisis.

Meanwhile, Xi's leader said China and Russia had the same goal.

"It is true that our two countries have the same goals, or some similar goals. We have deployed efforts for the prosperity of our respective countries... we can work together and work together to achieve our goals," Xi Leader explained.

"I am very happy to be able to visit Russia again, at your invitation. And Russia was the first country I visited after I was re-elected as President of China," he said.

On the same occasion, Xi's leader also expressed his support for President Putin to be re-elected.

"I know that the election for the Russian President will be held next year. The development of Russia has increased significantly under your firm leadership. I believe that the Russian people will continue to support you," he said.

President Xi added that Beijing "very appreciates" China-Russia relations, that the two countries could work together to meet their development goals.