Hear Stories Of Child Suicide, Ganjar Requests Children's Forum To Open Complaint And Consultation Room

KEBUMEN - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo asked the children's forum in Central Java to be more intense in opening consultation rooms between children. This is to avoid unexpected events due to bullying or violence against children.

"What's interesting about this Musrenbang is the concern the children have for their friends. As an example, there was a child who committed suicide. Please, sir, parents must pay attention. It's the child who reminds us. So I asked the children, especially the Central Java children's forum, to make a kind of place consultations between children only," said Ganjar after chairing the Musrenbangwil Barlingmascakeb at the Kebumen Regency Hall, Monday, March 20.

The consultation room is expected to accommodate children who have problems to be more open. The consultation room is a door to accommodate closed children so they can share the problems they face in a comfortable and safe way. Especially if you are telling stories to people your age.

"Later the results will be conveyed to us so we can assist. That is one door. The second door can of course go directly to the government and the best is with the parents," said Ganjar.

The Provincial Government of Central Java through the Office of Protection for the Empowerment of Women and Children already has many channels for this. One of them is the Jogo Konco application, which every child can download via their device.

"We have the Jogo Konco application, which can be downloaded and you can report through it. But a children's forum can be a place for children to tell stories to each other," said Ganjar.

In addition, Ganjar firmly reminded parents to be careful. Because there are so many children who are closed and choose to keep their problems to themselves rather than tell them to others. In fact, it is not uncommon to find children who vent their problems with unpredictable things.

"Now, parents, be careful because a lot of these children are closed, so they keep a lot of them. So sometimes the outlet, for those who never understand and never think about any child's story, is suicide. Second, we married early. Accident, sir. This is the same as our attention to children," he said.

Previously, during a dialogue with Musrenbang participants at the Kebumen Regency Hall, Ganjar received stories and questions from a child. The child's name is Intan Astra Mustikasari, a representative from the Purbalingga Regency children's forum. Intan delivered a shocking statement regarding the case of child suicide and the lack of attention of parents toward children so this case occurred.

"Here I want to convey about the incident of child suicide, sir. There is also one in Purbalingga Regency, sir. There is also one in Rembang Regency. They committed suicide because of pressure, both from their parents and the environment," said Intan during a dialogue with Ganjar Pranowo.

The same thing was conveyed by Dina, a student at SMKN 1 Puring, Kebumen Regency. She said that many children and adolescents in her village were involved in juvenile delinquency, such as brawls and bullying. The resident from Surorejan Village, Puring District, Kebumen Regency, also said that there was a child her age who was already married.