Minister Of Transportation Budi Karya: Kertajati Airport Ready To Serve 8,000 Pilgrims Of Hajj 2023 Flights

Minister of Transportation (Menhub) Budi Karya Sumadi ensured that Kertajati Airport, Majalengka Regency, West Java was ready to serve Hajj flights in 2023.

Previously, the Minister of Transportation visited the airport on Sunday 19 March. The Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) has designated Kertajati Airport as one of the embarkation airports and hajj debarkation.

"After it is determined, there will be around 20 clusters or around 7,000 to 8,000 pilgrims from Subang Regency and its surroundings who will depart from Kertajati Airport," said the Minister of Transportation in a written statement, quoted from Antara, Monday, March 20.

As many as 20 clusters or around 7,000-8,000 pilgrims who will depart from Kertajati Airport come from seven regencies/cities, namely Cirebon City, Cirebon Regency, Majalengka Regency, Indramayu Regency, Kuningan Regency, Subang Regency, and Sumedang Regency.

The prospective pilgrims will depart in the 2023/1444 Hijri Hajj season around June 2023.

A total of 21 to 23 flights carrying pilgrims from Kertajati Airport have been confirmed by the Saudi Arabian Civil Aviation Authority or the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) of Saudi Arabia which was submitted by letter to the Ministry of Transportation via the Indonesian Transportation Attach in Jeddah.

Furthermore, the Minister of Transportation stated that the availability of flight slots at Kertajati Airport is also very much that can be used to serve Umrah flights during Lebaran 2023.

"Ten days before Eid, usually many pilgrims want to go to Umrah. At Kertajati Airport, the slot is unlimited, so we can accept anything," he said again.

In addition, said the Minister of Transportation, the Toll Road Regulatory Agency (BPJT) of the Ministry of PUPR stated that the Cileunyi-Sumedang-Dawuan (Cisumdawu) Toll Road will start operating in mid-April which is expected to further accelerate the movement of people from and to Kertajati Airport.

"With the operation of the Cisumdawu Toll Road, Bandung's travel time to Kertajati and vice versa is approximately one hour. We hope that Kertajati Airport will be more lively, the Cisumdawu Toll Road will be more crowded, and the people around Subang who will go to the airport and vice versa will be more comfortable because accessibility will be easier," he also said.

The airport management, both West Java International Airport (BIJB) on the land side, and Angkasa Pura II on the air side, stated that all facilities on the land and air sides are ready according to what is required by the Ministry of Religion and the Government of Saudi Arabia.

A number of facilities have been prepared, namely the plane parking area which can accommodate up to 22 aircraft, passenger terminal area, vehicle parking, prayer room, storage room for valuables, air conditioning, CCTV, fuel stock, and other facilities.