Anticipating Drug Circulation, Room Of Prisoners In South Kalimantan Kotabaru Prison Dirazia

The Joint Team of Correctional Institutions (Lapas) Class IIA South Kalimantan with members of the Kotabaru and Kodim 1004 Polres held raids in the residential rooms of Kotabaru prison inmates to anticipate drug trafficking. Head of the Kotabaru Prison Security Unit, Agus Rahmad Ramdhoni, quoted by ANTARA, Sunday, March 19, said that the raids were an early detection of prisons throughout Indonesia, especially Kotabaru Prisons, to prevent unwanted things in the security sector. In addition, raids on the rooms of inmates also to implement three keys for advanced corrections plus "back to basic" as well as realizing the Zero Halinar City Prison (HP, extortion, and drugs). August also conveyed this activity as a form of early detection as well as prevention, eradication, abuse, and illicit drug trafficking (P4GN) carried out by the Class IIA Prison of Kotabaru Kanwil Kemenkumham South Kalimantan. "The blocks that we searched include Block B amounted to 74 people, Block K5 as many as 101 people," he said.Agus added joint raid activities involving the TNI-Polri and Lapas officers in the 59th Correctional HUT Bhakti series which were carried out simultaneously throughout Indonesia. Keep polite and be polite and humane to WBP who will be searched as well as in the implementation to maintain security and order,' said Agus. At the active time this raid was found some prohibited items, such as cell phone chargers, mobile phone hearing tools (earphones), stainless spoons, and others.

"We also make an investigation report for inmates who violate this regulation, officers will also impose sanctions on those concerned," said Agus. Raids involving several prison officers and members of the TNI and Polri without interruptions on Friday night at 20.00 WITA until finished.