LaNyalla Urges To Completely Complete Alleged Environmental Crime Funds That Flow To Political Parties

JAKARTA - The statement by the Acting Deputy for Analysis and Audit of the Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) which stated that around Rp1 trillion of funds from environmental crimes were suspected to have flowed to political parties and politicians responded to by the Chairman of the DPD RI, AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti.

The senator from East Java urged that the matter be thoroughly investigated. Moreover, the funds are said to be used for the financing of the 2024 General Election and Presidential Election.

"I urge that the allegations be investigated immediately. If proven, dismantle them to their roots. This is important, so that the people do not be sacrificed again," said LaNyalla on the sidelines of his working visit to Makassar, South Sulawesi, Saturday, March 18, as stated in a written statement received by VOI.

LaNyalla emphasized that the alleged crime funds that flowed to political parties and politicians hurt democracy.

"Our democratic system is increasingly transactional and inflamed. This is the impact of the implementation of western-style liberal democracy which we have copied since the reforms," said LaNyalla.

According to LaNyalla, the circulation of illicit funds suspected of being the result of criminal laundering proves that the oligarchy is getting stronger in the national political system. Meanwhile, democracy is unable to create a fair system for all people.

"This is because expensive political financing encourages elected officials to care less about the people," said LaNyalla.

AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti requested that PPATK be more transparent regarding the flow of funds so that the people do not choose the wrong leader. At the same time, the big Bugis figure in Surabaya considered this to be a momentum to return to Pancasila democracy.

"The reform mandate to eliminate the KKN has failed completely. Indonesia's corruption index is even higher and worsening. Therefore, we cannot continue this liberal state system. We must correct it," he explained.

We must return to the state system regulated in the 1945 Constitution of the original manuscript, so that we can further improve and perfect its weaknesses with Amendments through addendum techniques. So as not to eliminate the original construction.

Democracy Pancasila is an original system that is in accordance with the needs of this super pluralistic nation. Because all elements of the nation are in the highest institution that regulates the president as a mandater of the people, so that the people determine the direction of this nation's journey. Not only political parties and the President," concluded AA LaNyalla Mahmud Mattalitti.