Deputy Minister Of Finance Suahasil Appreciates OJK's Efforts To Expand Credit For MSMEs

JAKARTA - Deputy Minister of Finance (Wamenkeu) Suahasil Nazara gave his appreciation to the Financial Services Authority (OJK) regarding efforts to expand credit disbursement opportunities for MSMEs.

According to him, stronger access to financing accompanied by good risk management is useful for continuing to accelerate the strengthening of the national economy.

"Credit growth is one of the key points and we want more and more Indonesians to be involved in the economy by obtaining credit to access credit from financial institutions," he said as reported by the official website on Friday, 17 Meret.

Suahasil explained that one of the important initiatives carried out by the OJK was through synergy between the Credit Information Management Agency (LPIP) and the Innovative Credit Scoring (ICS).

We want to think about how credit scoring systems are, whether it's public legislation, private credit bureaus, or innovative credit scoring that can really contribute to the country's financial inclusion. This is a big task of how we can promote financial inclusion through credit scoring systems," he said.

Suahasil added, Indonesia must look for short-term solutions to restore the economy as well as think in a medium and long-term perspective by carrying out structural reforms.

"The Job Creation Law will recruit more employees, more jobs by simplifying regulations, licensing, how the bureaucracy works so that the business world can be well organized," he stressed.

In addition to carrying out various kinds of reforms, the representative of Sri Mulyani also said that Indonesia needed new sources of economic growth. It is stated that basic steps have been taken through downstreaming natural resources, using domestic products, supporting the development of MSMEs, the digital economy, to the transition to a green economy.

"Every time we talk about local products, the digital economy and MSMEs, I think we should be able to prioritize economic efficiency and economic growth," concluded Deputy Minister of Finance Suahasil Nazara.