Convey The Success Of Inaportnet Implementation, Indonesia Can Appreciate At The IMO Session

JAKARTA - Indonesia has received appreciation from the countries that are members of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), for their success in improving port services, in this case loading and unloading ships at ports through Inaportnet.

This appreciation was obtained by Indonesia when delivering the implementation of Inaportnet at the 47th Facilitation Committee Meeting (FAL 47) which was held by IMO from March 13 to 17, 2023 at the IMO Headquarters in London, England.

Head of the Sub-Directorate of Foreign Sea Transportation, Directorate of Traffic and Sea Transportation, Rifani Komara as representative of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation, explained that previously Indonesia had submitted documents for discussion on agenda 6.

The documents in question are Application of Single Window Concept, in the FAL 47 / INF.4 document with the title Implementation of single window platform to standardize services and reduce administrative burdens at Indonesia's ports.

Furthermore, the Indonesian Delegation had the opportunity to convey the success and development of the Inaportnet system in front of representatives of IMO member countries.

Rifanie said Inaportnet itself is part of the Indonesia National Single Window (INSW) which is an effort by the Government of Indonesia to facilitate ships entering ports, loading and unloading activities and ships leaving ports which also greatly affects the length of the container at the port.

"Indonesia has made significant achievements with systems built through Inaportnet and systems built by relevant ministries and institutions in order to facilitate the delivery of information by both the government, port operators and national and foreign shipping companies and other related maritime communities," he said.

Rinani explained this is very important, considering that since 2016 109 ports in Indonesia have implemented Inaportnet and followed 151 ports again in 2023.

"So that the target of 260 ports that implement Inaportnet can be achieved this year," he said.

Rifanie said that the implementation of Inaportnet at the port is Indonesia's commitment to implementing an online system to facilitate loading/loading activities, especially containers at ports, which must be better.

However, Rifanie admits that it needs to be improved so that harmonization can be achieved between institutions between countries, so that it gets serious attention from all stakeholders.

The change in the system to digitalization is the Government's commitment to contribute to positive performance for ports in the country. It is not easy for Indonesia as the largest archipelagic country in the world with a large number of ports spread across every region," he said.

However, continued Rifanie, with a strong commitment, collaboration and strong synergy, Indonesia can realize a comprehensive digitization of port services.

He added that Indonesia is now included in the top 20 countries in the world that have the best seaport performance based on data from the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD).

The data is based on the average movement of container ships from 1,000 GT and above within the first semester of 2022.

Indonesia's position is ranked 9th under the countries of Canada, Australia, Russia, the United States, Germany, Greece, France, and Italy. The average arrival of container ships based on data from UNCTAD, Indonesia is above the average port in the world.

"The average movement in ports in the world reaches 20.1 while Indonesia reaches 24.9. The average achievement of turnaround time for container ships has increased by 13.7 percent compared to 2020 and 2021," he said.

Repairing port services through Inaportnet in Indonesia is also one way to promote Indonesia, especially in order to support the Government in realizing the vision of making Indonesia the world's maritime axis and it can be considered by other countries to re-elect Indonesia as a Member of the IMO Council Category C for the period 2024-2025.