How To Prepare Children's Education Funds From PAUD To Lecture

YOGYAKARTA - Children's education funds are one of the financial priorities in the family. Because the amount is not small, children's education funds need to be planned and prepared long ago. How to prepare children's education funds so they don't get stuck and interfere with family finances?

Every parent wants their child to get a decent and even quality education. The step to realize this desire is to prepare children's education funds as soon as possible. Children's education funds start from children entering PAUD or kindergarten. Parents also have to prepare children's education funds up to college or college level.

Given that the child's education period is quite long, then preparing children's education funds is a big homework for parents. Moreover, parents still have to meet other needs in the family. Not to mention the children's education funds that always increase every year. Then how to prepare children's education funds?

Every parent is required to work hard in order to be able to save for their child's education funds. Apart from saving, there are a number of other things that must be considered and applied when preparing children's education funds.

To prepare children's education funds, you need to discuss with your partner. Here are how to prepare children's education funds that you need to apply.

Often parents are confused by school choices for children. There are many schools that parents, both public and private, can choose. Choose schools according to the needs of the educational system you want for children. A number of things you can consider, such as curriculum, teaching staff, to complete the facilities.

When choosing a school, you can also adjust to financial conditions. Each school imposes different costs depending on the policies, services, and facilities provided. You can first check how much the estimated costs need to be incurred at the school, starting from registration to graduation later.

Next, you and your partner need to make a time plan in preparing children's education funds. You need to pay attention to the current age of children and at what age children enter school. By calculating it, you will have a reference time to prepare children's education funds.

In making a time plan, you can arrange a timeline for children's school levels based on time. Determine when children will enter PAUD, TK, TK, SD, to college. At each level, a detailed budget must be made each because the needs are different. By making time plans, the preparation of children's education funds can run more effectively and precisely.

After creating a timeline for children's school levels, you need to make a cost plan. Cost planning is determined from the school that you have chosen for children. In preparing a children's education budget, you need to calculate the estimated cost of school and daily needs of children.

Budget preparation also needs to be distinguished at each level of school, given the different ways of payment and needs. For example, kindergarten to high school levels that can be paid monthly. While tuition fees are paid per semester or six months. In addition, you also need to calculate inflation every year.

Another step that is needed in preparing children's education funds is by long-term investment. Investment is a tool to secure or add to your finances in the future. The sooner you invest, the more mature the preparation of children's education funds can be.

You can invest in the medium term between 1-5 years and over 5 years long term. There are various investment instruments that you can choose from, such as Mutual Funds, Shares, Bonds, Gold, and so on. Choose the type of investment that suits your needs and the risk profile you want.

You also need education insurance to have in preparing children's education funds. Education insurance is a protection to protect you from various risks that can happen in the future, such as falling ill, being laid off, dying. Insurance will cover or bear children's education funds when you experience this.

When starting to plan children's education, prepare insurance with sufficient coverage money, both soul and health. Education insurance also offers higher returns.

That's how to prepare children's education costs for those that need to be applied by parents. Preparing children's education funds does require greater effort, but as long as it is prepared carefully it can be effective and precise.

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