Ministry Of Transportation Prepares 24 Thousand Quota For Homecomers, Tangerang Residents Can Go Home For Free

TANGERANG - The Indonesian Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has prepared 24 thousand Kouta for free homecoming in 28 cities. Head of the Tangerang City Transportation Service (Dishub), Ahmad Suhaely said that Tangerang City is one of the points that provide the free homecoming program.

"Alhamdulillah, Tangerang City has become one of the validation posts and one of the departure points for homecoming. Of the many prepared by the Ministry of Transportation," Ahmad told reporters at his office, Tuesday, March 14.

The 24 thousand quotas are not specifically for Tangerang but are given as widely as possible for the community. There are 28 destination cities spread across the islands of Java and Sumatra. Everyone uses land bus vehicles," he continued.

Ahmad explained that registration is done online and through the application. Furthermore, prospective passengers must also include Identity Cards (KTP) and Family Cards (KK) in the application.

"The registration is done online through the application. There the community registers and selects the destination and selects the departure location. The application is given a barcode which needs to be validated," he said.

Furthermore, Ahmad, after completing the election of the city and destination, prospective passengers are asked to visit the post which is a validation point.

"It is validated at the post. One of them is prepared by the Tangerang City Transportation Agency, after it is validated later the community will get a homecoming ticket," he concluded.