Gerindra Is Not Worried That Prabowo's Voice Will Be 'Stealed' By Anies Baswedan, Claims That The Support Of The Citizens Is Getting Crazy

JAKARTA - The Gerindra Party is not worried that the voice of its General Chair will be'stealed' by the candidate for president (readpres) of the Change Coalition, Anies Baswedan.Although Anies aggressively carried out political safaris to the winning areas of Prabowo in the 2019 presidential election, such as Aceh, West Sumatra, West Nusa Tenggara, Banten and West Java.Deputy Chairperson of the Gerindra Party, Habiburokhman, said that people's support for Prabowo was still very large. This, he said, can be seen from the enthusiasm of the community in the series of events held by Gerindra."No, you see on social media. We have just carried out a series of Gerindra Anniversary warnings in various cities. And God willing, the number of people present is extraordinary. I myself have goosebumps," said Habiburokhman at the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta, Tuesday, March 14.Another interesting article in VOI: Anies Baswedan Agiteah, Starts 'Curi' Suara in Prabowo's Victory BagThe DPR member for the DKI Jakarta electoral district revealed that his party predicts that 2-3 thousand people will attend the Gerindra event in East Jakarta. But in reality, the community exploded with the presence of the masses reaching 10 thousand people.Then in Banten, Gerindra party officials predict that at most only 5 thousand people will attend, but the reality is up to 20 thousand people."In West Kalimantan, Pontianak, we predict that 10,000 can be almost 30 thousand, in Riau as well. In fact, it is at least 3 times the estimated number of people present," said Habiburokhman."And that they are not just mobilized masses, it is an organized mass in that sense the masses of our structures," he added.Another interesting article in VOI: Democrats Admit Anies' Political Safari Goals to 'Pribowo Voters' Areas The Strategy to Win The 2024 Presidential ElectionTherefore, Habiburokhman believes that support for Prabowo is still very high for the 2024 General Election. He is also not afraid that a presidential candidate will target Prabowo Subianto's voice bag. Because there is more support for the defense minister."So when it comes to supporters, God willing, Pak Prabowo's supporters will increasingly understand Prabowo's policies, so it's not called jumping into anies," he said."There are people who previously did not support Pak Prabowo, now support Pak Prabowo, that's what is there," said Habiburokhman.Previously, Anies Baswedan's spokesman, Hendri Satrio, denied that the political safari for the prospective presidential candidate (readpres) of the Change Coalition targeted the areas that were Prabowo Subianto's voice bags in the 2019 presidential election.According to him, there are no special considerations in determining the areas that Anies will visit to stay in touch with the local community. Moreover, when the 2024 presidential election campaign has not yet started."Oh, there's nothing to target the pockets of the votes, it's not a campaign yet, this is just a gathering, so there's no consideration of the ballot bags," said Hendri Satrio to VOI, Monday, March 13."The voice bag will be considered when the campaign begins," he continued.Even if the Democratic Party had acknowledged that the determination of the area visited by Anies was part of the winning strategy, Hendri did not want to use the term.The KedaiKOPI founder emphasized that until now his party has not mapped the areas that will be the target of winning Anies Baswedan."That's what the Democrats say, just use it. But if it's not the basis of voice bags or other names, this is just a gathering, it hasn't been mapped into the ballot bags because the campaign hasn't started yet," said the man who is familiarly called Hensat.