Tomorrow The Constitutional Court Will Have A Plenary Meeting, Discuss The Agenda For The Election Of The Chair And Deputy For The 2023-2028 Period

JAKARTA - The Constitutional Court (MK) is scheduled to hold a plenary meeting of judges tomorrow Wednesday, March 15. The meeting will discuss the election agency for the chairman and deputy chairman of the Constitutional Court for the term of 2023-2028.

"The selection was carried out to implement the provisions of Article 4 Paragraph (3) of the Constitutional Court Law regarding the term of office of the Chief Chair and Deputy Chair of the Constitutional Court," said Head of Public Relations of the Constitutional Court Fajar Laksono in Jakarta, Tuesday, March 14, as quoted by Antara.

The election also includes following up on decision Number 96/PUU-XVIII/2020 dated June 20, 2022. The decision states that Article 87 letter a of Law Number 7 of 2020 no longer has binding legal force since the decision is finished.

However, he continued, in order not to cause administrative problems / impacts on the a quo decision, the chairman and deputy chairman of the Constitutional Court who currently serves is declared valid until the election of the chairman and deputy chairman as mandated by Article 24C Paragraph (4) of the 1945 Constitution.

Within a maximum of nine months, since the decision was pronounced, an election must be carried out for the chairman and deputy chairman of the Constitutional Court.

Fajar said the procedure for selecting the chairman and deputy chairman of the Constitutional Court was carried out based on Constitutional Court Regulation (PMK) Number 6 of 2023 concerning Procedures for the Election of the Chairman and Deputy Chair of the Constitutional Court.

According to PMK provisions, the election of the chairman and deputy chairman of the Constitutional Court was chosen from and by constitutional judges for a five-year term. The election was held with the presence of at least seven constitutional judges.

If the plenary meeting of judges is attended by less than seven constitutional judges, the election will be postponed no later than two hours. If after the postponement it still does not meet this number, the election of the chairman and deputy chairman of the Constitutional Court will continue even though it was attended by less than seven constitutional judges.

The election was held by deliberation and consensus in a closed-to-public plenary meeting of judges. If deliberation does not reach consensus, the decision is made based on the most votes through voting in a plenary meeting of judges open to the public.

After the election resulted in the elected chairman and deputy chairman of the Constitutional Court, according to the provisions of Article 21 Paragraph (3) of the Constitutional Court Law, before holding his position, the chairman and deputy chairman of the Constitutional Court took an oath or an oath according to religion.

Based on PMK Number 1 of 2020 concerning the Constitutional Court Trial, the oath of oath was carried out in a special plenary session of the Constitutional Court which will be held in the Plenary Room on the Second Floor of the Constitutional Court Building on Monday, March 20 at 11.00 WIB.

Finally, the special plenary session will invite and/or be attended by the President/Deputy President, heads of state institutions, ministers, and other officials as well as government employees and the Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court.