The Importance Of Digital Literacy For MSME Actors

JAKARTA - The Ministry of Communication and Information in collaboration with ministries/Institutions and the digital ecosystem to encourage MSME players to take advantage of and sell on digital platforms. One of the e-commerce users who utilizes communication and information technology as an educational and business media is millennials.

NGOBRAS Activities: Chat With Legislators organized by the Directorate General of Informatics Applications of the Ministry of Communication and Information with Members of the Indonesian House of Representatives Commission I on Friday, March 10, 2023, this time carrying the theme "Digital Literacy for MSME Actors".

By presenting speakers such as Member of Commission I DPR RI Fadhlullah, Founder and CEO of Bisatum Chiko Maradona, and Chief Editor of the Indonesian Serambi, Zainal Arifin, NGOBRAS this time aims at the community including MSME players and e-commerce users to understand the benefits of more than the digital world, especially the benefits for the self-, family and state economy.

Member of Commission I DPR RI Fadhlullah said the situation of the revival of the provincial and state economy was supported by MSME actors.

The progress of an area can be measured by MSME actors, apart from the airport and flights. For example, in the NTT area, there are MSMEs that produce tea from kelor leaves, with neat packaging and then marketed through online media," he said at the NGOBRAS event on Friday, March 10 yesterday.

Meanwhile, the Founder and CEO of Bisa▁tumbuh Chiko Maradona revealed that the problems faced by MSME actors encouraged him to establish a startup called "can grow".

Chiko sees potential in the market world, such as 93 percent of consumers are interested in continuing to use e-commerce services after the pandemic, e-commerce user online access increased 110 percent to 4.7 hours per day and the e-commerce market which recorded a 22 percent growth that touched transactions of IDR 48 trillion in 2022.

Kita adalah negara dengan UMKM terbesar di ASEAN yang memberikan kontribusi ke pendapatan bruto sebesar 61,97 persen atau senilai Rp85 triliun di 2020. Sayang hanya 21 persen yang sudah menjual online di e-commerce," jelasnya.

Usually, MSME players face four main problems, namely calculating profit losses with products that have competitive prices but are in accordance with the margin target. Second, not understanding how to maintain product stocks, the three difficulties in making simulations of consumer visits to the store, and finally problems regarding data.

Some of the solutions to these problems are ideal calculations, preparing products that have unique value, strategies to provide vouchers for visiting consumers, as well as monitoring store conditions such as competitive prices and new consumer numbers.

Indonesian Serambi Daily Editor Zainal Arifin said digital disruption changed everything like in the health sector, for example, clinic registration or hospital can be done online, in the financial sector, for example, people are getting used to using banking applications, then in the field of education and retail, such as the emergence of online stores and e-commerce platforms.

"However, this digital space often raises problems including unhealthy competition such as hoaxes, vilifying each other, attacking each other," he explained.