Banten Provincial Government Ready To Provide The Best Transportation Services For Homecomers For Eid 2023

JAKARTA - The Banten Provincial Government is ready to provide the best Lebaran 2023 transportation services for travelers by optimizing the use of existing facilities and infrastructure. "We are trying to provide the best Eid transportation services to the community," said Acting Governor of Banten Al Muktabar during a coordination meeting with Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi, BPJT, PUPR, Korlantas Police, Pelni and ASDP at the Executive Pier of Merak Port, Banten, quoted from Antara, Saturday, March 11. Local governments will carry out preparations for Eid transportation according to their authority in Banten Province. In Banten Province, there is a Merak Port which is included in the largest category of travelers who serve crossings from Java Island to Sumatra Island and vice versa. Therefore, the Banten Provincial Government coordinates with the Ministry of Transportation, Police Korlantas, Ministry of Transportation, BJTL, PUPR and ASDP Merak. With that coordination, he said, it can provide the best service to travelers so that Eid transportation runs smoothly and safely to their destinations.

In addition, crossings do not cause queues and traffic jams. The Banten Provincial Government will also maximize existing infrastructure, as directed by the Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumardi, BPJT, Korlantas and PUPR.

"We are optimistic that the Eid transportation will run smoothly and there will be no accumulation of vehicles or pedestrians," he said. Meanwhile, Yongki, an envoy from the Central PUPR, said that his party would enlarge the national road in Merak so that the Eid homecoming can run smoothly. also the toll road is used as a resting place to accommodate vehicles that want to cross to Bakauheni Port, Lampung. "We guarantee that the Eid homecoming trip is smooth, safe and memorable," he said.