Debut Through The Film Devil In Blood, Director Hannie Sukarya Faces Weather Challenges

JAKARTA - After becoming a producer in the film Ahead of sunset, Hannie finally debuted as a director in the film Devil Dalam Darah. This film will air starting March 16.Producer of HELLOAD PRODUCTION, Helfi Kardit, who gave confidence for Yannie to be a director. "I think he has enough experience to be a director. He has made short films. His lecture has also majored in cinematography which focuses on shooting, and lighting. So when Yannie said she wanted to be a director, I fully support it," said Helfi in the gala premiere Thursday, March 9.Hannie uses the shooting experience that's the capital for her to be a director. “ I really like horror films from me so small, so to finally become a director of horror is a dream come true for me, ” he said.Shooting for 21 days, Yannie uses the Camera Arri Alexa. The challenge for shooting on Mount Salak, he said, was the weather. During filming, it rained every day."It's impossible to shoot, right. So, we decided to change working hours. In the afternoon all rest sleep due to rain. As soon as night, we shoot," he recalled.The film Devil Dalam Blood tells of Haruni, 23 years old, her body in the Devil's circle, as if someone attacked and moved from within, besides Haruni's pain, it also tends to hurt her. A young eye and religious doctor named Ahmad heard this terrible story from Haruni's parents.Haruni's sister, Hanum, is undergoing eye treatment with doctor Ahmad. Ahmad began to treat Haruni, until Ahmad concluded that Haruni's illness due to demon disturbances and Haruni's incident had something to do with a case of suicide.Ahmad and a friend of his police helped with the problems faced by Haruni, looked for data on suicides and expelled the evil spirit from Haruni's body.