Observer: The Election System In Indonesia Needs To Be Improved, But Not For 2024

JAKARTA - Director of DEEP Indonesia Neni Nurhayati stated that the electoral system in Indonesia does need to be addressed and improved but not for the implementation of the 2024 General Election. "I personally strongly support how the electoral system needs to be improved, but not today," said DEEP Indonesia Director Neni Nur Hayati in a discussion themed "Political dynamics ahead of 2024" in Jakarta, quoted from Antara, Saturday, March 11. According to him, the implementation has been running and the parties have prepared in such a way as the implementation in accordance with Law Number 7 of 2017 concerning elections. "The election is already running, it has prepared in such a way that elections are in accordance with Law 7 of 2017 which use an open proportional system," he said.

Therefore, organizing a democratic party for 2024 should run in accordance with the laws and stages that have been prepared, not being disturbed by various efforts to change the electoral system. "And today if it is revised again, it will take a long time. Not to mention, for example, the preparation of political parties. I agree that, for example, for improvement, I agree, but not for 2024," he said.

Therefore, the implementation of the 2024 General Election is expected to run according to what has been prepared, and not be disturbed by various issues that can disrupt the holding of elections. Then, he also explained that the open or closed electoral system will also greatly determine the life and death of political parties. According to him, whether the electoral system is open and closed, of course there are consequences in itself, there are weaknesses and advantages in itself.