In The Aftermath Of Rafael Arun's Case, Pelindo Issues An Appeal For Prohibition Of Employees To Live Luxuryly

JAKARTA - PT Pelabuhan Indonesia (Persero) or Pelindo issued an appeal to its employees not to be hedonism. This follows a case of hedon or showing off assets involving Ministry of Finance official Rafael Harun Trisambodo.

Pelindo's Corporate Secretariat Group Head, Ali Mulyono, said the appeal was aimed at avoiding the public's negative perception of Pelindo.

In addition, Ali also reminded Pelindo internally about the importance of maintaining the good name and image of the company. Including being wise in using social media.

This is also regulated in the Code of Ethics which has been in effect since 2013, as a guideline for Pelindo's Insan in behavior.

"Not only at this moment before Ramadan, previously BoD had also reminded this through the Pelindo Group Management WAG application and directly at the Board of Directors Meeting last month," Ali told reporters, Friday, March 10.

Lebih lanjut, Ali mengatakan Pelindo juga memiliki saluran WBS "Pelindo Bersih" yang menjadi bagian dari upaya pencegahan tindak Korupsi, Kolusi, Nepotisme (KKN), dengan saluran pengaduan yang dapat dimanfaatkan oleh siapa saja dan menjamin kerahasiaan pelapor, yaitu

"We are grateful for the active role of the community so far who have helped guard Pelindo. We continue to need this support to protect Pelindo from the practice of KKN," he explained.