Recognize Risk Factors Of Hearing Disorders In Children

Jakarta - Doctor of THT Specialist from Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital - Kencana Dr. dr. Tri Juda Airlangga Hardjoprawito, Sp.THT-KL(K) explained that babies born with low weight to the use of drugs when pregnant can be a risk factor for children experiencing hearing loss.

"We can also see whether the child immediately cried or not (when he was born). Or there is a history of low weight due to his prematurity. That is also a factor that we must make sure," said Juda, as quoted by Antara.

If these risk factors are experienced by patients, Juda said early detection of children's hearing is very important before the age of 6 months, because at the age of 6 months children generally can communicate and already have their own language.

Juda then explained that the "136 formula" is related to children's ear and hearing examinations. This 136 formula refers to the age of children, namely one month, three months and six months. At the age of under one month, children should undergo an examination of the function of theANGER's house or koklea.

"But if there is a risk factor, we try to return at the age of 3 months, we will confirm whether there is a disturbance or not. Then before the age of 6 months, before they are active in communicating, we will also conduct an examination," said Juda.

In addition, Juda said that the detection of hearing loss in children should use a special device, because hearing loss in children will be difficult to detect if without a special examination.

Generally parents are not aware of symptoms, because they feel their children have normal hearing. But when a child is two years old, usually parents just realize that there is a disturbance because their child is experiencing delays in speaking, said Juda.

"Indeed, for the public it is a bit difficult to determine whether this child was born with hearing impairments or not. Because it is crying the same, there is no problem with birth. Sometimes the response can be done or not," said Juda.

However, the delay in speaking is not necessarily due to hearing loss. However, Juda emphasized that children over the age of 2 should undergo a thorough examination.

"Actually what we make sure is that we continue to carry out a complete examination. And we still have optimization to communicate. So maybe we should also look at the audit function, the IQ, and we have to make sure everything," he explained.