The Right Age To Have A Smartphone: Parents Must Know For The Development Of Child Intelligence

YOGYAKARTA - This is a tough dilemma in the modern era. Should you give your child a smartphone, or keep it away from the device for as long as possible? Then, about the right age to have a smartphone?

As a parent, you will be forgiven if you consider a smartphone as a kind of Pandora box with the ability to release all world crimes for the sake of your child's healthy life. A confusing series of headlines related to the possible impact of using cell phones and social media by children is enough to make anyone want to set aside your child's reach.

Apparently, even celebrities are not immune to this modern parenting issue: Madonna says that she regrets giving calls to her older children at the age of 13, and will not do it again.

On the other hand, you may have your own phone which you consider an important tool for everyday life from email and online shopping, to family video calls and photo albums. And if all your kids and kids get your phone, won't they be left behind without a cell phone?

There are still many unanswered questions about the long-term effects of smartphones and social media on children and adolescents, but existing research provides some evidence of its main risks and benefits.

According to the Expert

How come Odgers, professor of psychology at the University of California, revealed that there is no definite answer regarding 'when', it is all adapted to the little one and the family itself.

"In many cases, parents provide smartphones to their children so that they stay in touch all day long and can coordinate pick-up," said Odgers.

Anja Stevic, a researcher at the communication department of the University of Vienna, said that giving smartphones to children can be a way for the child's maturity itself.

Pre-school age

Reflecting on the case of the Covid-19 pandemic, I was aware that Sudan's own smartphone was not an anning for children. So, you are asked when you areap, you have the right age to have a smartphone when you are in school.

The best experience for children under 2 years old is to carry out interactions with the real world. Exploring the real world using their senses is very important for the development of your little one. But at the age of 3 years, it is recommended to apply more active media or take advantage of electronic media with teaching content.

This content usually uses tactics in triggering the creativity of the little one and using pictures and sounds with children's characteristics to attract attention. Gradually they may be ready, depending on the level of maturity of each child.

At the age of 4 or 5 years, children are able to engage in learning activities using Smart Phones and Tablets through strict parental supervision. If it is not supervised by parents, it is not recommended to buy Cellphones and Tablets for children, at least until they are 11 to 13 years old.

Limit Time With Gadget Screen

For your son, who has bought a smartphone, it is very blind, which is called a fast use restriction. Experts recommend that children aged 4 to 5 years are no more than half an hour per session and no more than 1 hour for children aged 6-7 years. Even though children are bigger, no more than 2 hours per session if they play games, but if you use the device as a productivity tool, for example, learning and taking zoom classes.

So after knowing the right age to have a smartphone, see other interesting news on VOI, it's time to revolutionize news!