Report Allegations Of Corruption To The AGO, Minister Of SOEs: Not Issues And Assumptions

JAKARTA - Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir recently reported allegations of corruption that occurred in 12 state-owned companies to the Attorney General's Office (AGO).

Erick said this report was not a mere issue or assumption.

He said the report on the alleged BUMN corruption was based on the investigation of state auditors, namely the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) to the Financial Audit Agency (BPK).

"We report to the Attorney General's Office that it is not based on issues or only materials that we have not fully reported, we must use the BPKP audit, the BPK audit, then we report it, so it is not an assumption," Erick told reporters written Friday, March 10.

Although reports of alleged corruption are based on data, said Erick, the AGO will still carry out further evidence before releasing the names of BUMN and the perpetrators.

"Agreement with the Prosecutor's Office, the prosecutor's office does not want to reveal before they directly check the results of the audit, just wait for one or two, usually they will hold their own press conference," he said.

Furthermore, Erick said, what his party reported to the AGO was not to hurt someone, especially if it was done without strong evidence.

"I said imprisoning the person should not be a pleasure. For what reason? There is a family in prison, there is a social life. This means that if we imprison someone, it turns out that we are not guilty. What does that mean? All of this has black and white," he said.

In line with Erick Thohir, Special Staff to the Minister of SOEs Arya Sinulingga revealed that there may be new findings on indications of corruption based on the results of the investigation or deepening of the Attorney General's Office.

"We are just waiting. We are still open, we are still working with the AGO. Where sometimes the AGO has not investigated, we give (the report), maybe from there there is also a derivative (new findings)," said Arya.