Within 2 Months, 33 Criminal Cases Reported At Sragen Police, 22 Cases Revealed

The SRAGEN ranks of the Criminal Investigation Unit (Sat Reskrim) of the Sragen Police of the Central Java Police revealed 22 cases of various criminal acts within 2 months, including the circulation of counterfeit dollars.

The disclosure of the case was carried out by the Sragen Police Criminal Investigation Unit from early January 2023 to March 9, 2023 or until Thursday, March 9, with a total of 34 suspects.

The Sragen Police Chief, AKBP Piter Yanottama, explained that in detail there were 8 types of crimes that had been reported over a period of 2 months, with a total of 33 reports reported.

Of the 33 incidents reported, the Sragen Police have succeeded in uncovering 22 incidents.

There were 33 reports of incidents and 22 cases have been successfully uncovered to date, consisting of ordinary thefts, Article 362 of the Criminal Code as many as 3 reports have been revealed. The theft with weighting, Article 363 of the Criminal Code as many as 8 reports and successfully uncovered 4 reports. The theft with violence, Article 365 of the Criminal Code as many as 1 report and has been revealed as 1 report. Fraud and/or embezzlement, Article 378 in conjunction with Article 372 of the Criminal Code as many as 13 reports and has been revealed as many as 8 reports. Embezzlement in the position, Article 374 of the Criminal Code there was one report, fake money, Article 245 of the Criminal Code one report and it has been revealed. The theft was 3 times reported and revealed 1 report, No Right to control, carrying a knife (sharp weapon). Article 2 paragraph (1) of the Emergency Law No. 12 of 1951 there were 2 reports still in the investigation stage, explained Kombes AKBP Piter.

The police chief revealed that of the total reports of the incident, Sat Reskrim and the police have arrested 34 suspects, with details of 1 suspect of ordinary theft as referred to in Article 362 of the KHUP, which has been declared to have been closed by Restorative Justice with various considerations, 9 suspects are in phase II process and as many as 24 other suspects are still under investigation.

The police chief continued, there were 13 cases that stood out, one of which revealed a case of fake dollar currency disclosed by the Sidoharjo Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

"There are as many as 13 cases that are prominent that we will convey to the media crew. And one of them was revealed by the Sidoharjo Police Criminal Investigation Unit, which was revealed in cases of counterfeit dollar currencies of up to hundreds of shares, in denominations of 1 fake dollar and 100 fake dollars with a value if converted into 1.3 billion rupiahs," said AKBP Piter.

From this case, continued AKBP Piter, the Criminal Investigation Department has arrested two suspects named Supriyanto alias Supri and Slamet Karianto.

Currently, the case of storing and circulating counterfeit dollar currency as referred to in Article 245 of the Criminal Code is still in the process of investigating the Sragen Police Criminal Investigation Unit.