National Music Day Momentum, Tantowi Yahya: Music Is Entertaining And Uniting

JAKARTA - Singer and politician Tantowi Yahya interprets music as exceeding its capacity as a vehicle for expression and entertainment. For the former Indonesian Ambassador to New Zealand with music, it can not only entertain but also unite various groups. As soon as he interprets the commemoration of National Music Day this year.

"Music is universal, not only can it be a vehicle for expression and entertainment. Music can also unite and unite the warring parties. Because if you have music there is no partition of ethnicity, nation, religion, and race there. Everything is merged into harmony," he told VOI who contacted him Wednesday, March 9.

Even as a diplomat, Tantowi has proven it while on duty in Wellington, Zealand. He managed to ease the anger of people from the Pacific state who often protested about alleged human rights violations in Papua.

"I faced them all protesting. I invited them to sing, after that what they wanted to say was conveyed to me. And in this way they melted, and the relationship became fluid. What they wanted to convey I accepted. And on the contrary, I was also able to give facts about what happened in Papua to those who protested," said Helmy Yahya's older brother.

National Music Day is not a national holiday, but it is not a matter of Golkar Party's functionality. "Even though National Music Day is not a national holiday, it still means something to musicians. This is a form of government appreciation to the Indonesian music community. The government's recognition of music is a tool of struggle, nationalism pumping and development fillers, especially the economy," he explained.

According to Tantowi Yahya, before it was decided by the government, the discourse about the need for special music days for Indonesian musicians had existed since the era of President BJ Habibie. And continues to the next president; Megawati Soekarnoputri.

"The discourse, which began with the era of President BJ Habibie, was finalized in the era of President Megawati and was formalized through the Presidential Decree during the era of President SBY," said Tantowi.

The date of birth of the composer of the national anthem of Indonesia Raya, WR Supratman, was agreed as National Music Day. "Thank you to the Association of Singers and Musician Artists of the Republic of Indonesia (PAPPRI) who have overseen the process from start to finish. Hopefully, HMN will be a trigger for the spirit to continue working, strengthen unity and become the pride of the nation," hoped the singer of the Aryati song.

"Once again I wish you a happy National Music Day 2023 for all Indonesian musicians wherever they are and everyone who likes music. And through music we express and entertain and at the same time unite," concluded Tantowi Yahya.