Arriving In Yogyakarta, Jokowi Immediately Launched To Kebumen Tinjau Panen Raya Padi

JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo arrived in Yogyakarta Province today, Thursday 9 March. Jokowi is scheduled to attend the rice harvest.

After arriving at Yogyakarta International Airport or Yogyakarta International Airport (YIA) in Temon District, Kulon Progo Regency, Jokowi and his entourage went straight to the main harvest location in Kebumen.

"Tiba di Bandara Internasional Yogyakarta, Kabupaten Kulon Progo, pagi ini, dan langsung menuju Kebumen, Jawa Tengah. Saya antara lain menghadiri panen Raya di Desa Lajer, Kecamatan Ambal," tulis Jokowi dalam akun Twitternya, @jokowi, Kamis 9 Maret.

In addition, in Kebumen also the head of state accompanied by First Lady Iriana Jokowi is scheduled to inaugurate the Kawasan-Based Shrimp Cultivation Pond in Plesung Village, Pelanhan District.

Furthermore, Jokowi is scheduled to visit the Land Market to hand over a number of social assistance to traders.

After that, the President will return to YIA to take off to the Adi Soemarmo Air Force Base in Boyolali Regency to continue his next activities.

In the photo uploaded by Jokowi's social media account, the arrival of the head of state at YIA was welcomed by the Governor of Yogyakarta, Sri Sultan Hamengku Buwono X and his wife.

Apart from the Governor of Yogyakarta, based on the Presidential Secretariat's statement, he was also present to welcome the head of state, namely Pangdam IV/Diponegoro Maj. Gen. Widi Prasetijono and his wife, Yogyakarta Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Suwondo Nainggolan and his wife, and Danlanud Adi Sutjipto Marsma TNI Dedy Susanto and his wife.