Monitoring Andhi Pramono's Vehicle Collection, Makassar Customs Officials Targeted By PPATK

YOGYAKARTA The head of the Makassar Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) Andhi Pramono is in the public spotlight. The reason is, Andhi, who in fact is an official with the rank of Echelon III, is alleged to have unnatural assets. The assets include Andhi Pramono's collection of vehicles whose value reaches billions of rupiah.

Therefore, it is not surprising that the public skinned Andhi's wealth. Starting from his house which is like a palace, to an antique car stored in the garage of his house.

The Financial Analysis and Transaction Report Center (PPATK) has even reported the results of an analysis of Andhi's unnatural assets amounting to Rp13.7 billion to the KPK.

In this regard, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) plans to summon the Head of Makassar Customs Andhi Pramono next week. He will be asked for clarification regarding his assets which reach tens of billions.

"We will clarify Andhi Pramono maybe next week," said KPK Deputy for Prevention and Monitoring Pahala Nainggolan at a press conference at the KPK's Merah Putih building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta, Wednesday, March 8.

In the State Administrators Wealth Report (LHKPN), as of 2021, Andi has assets worth IDR 13,753,365,726 and has no debt.

In addition to owning a luxury house, the LHKPN also states that Andi collects various vehicles, including antique cars.

So, what are the collections of Andhi Pramono vehicles?

Based on LHKPN data, Andhi Pramono owns a Mini Morris Sedan for IDR 80,050,000. This car has a classic design that makes the price relatively high.

Next, Andhi also owns several antique European manufacturers such as 1974 Fiat sedans worth IDR 55,050,000, 1970 Corolla sedans worth IDR 20,050,000, 1958 Chevrolet sedans worth IDR 205,050,000, and 1963 Austin Sedan cars worth IDR 72,050,000.

Not only do they like the collection of antique cars from the European continent, Andhi also has one unit of an anti-US manufacturer, namely Ford in 1966 whose price is estimated at IDR 260,050,000.

In addition to collecting four-wheeled vehicles, Andi is noted to have antique motorbikes such as the 1962 Piaggio Vespa worth IDR 9,000,000 and the 1996 Piaggio Vespa worth IDR 8,000,000.

The next collection of Andhi Pramono vehicles is a Toyota type Jip car in 2019 which costs Rp. 960,500,000. In Andhi's car garage, there was also a Smart Sedan car in 2010 worth Rp. 75,000,000.

It's not enough to stop there, Andhi Pramono still has several cars and mainstream motorbikes such as Honda motorbikes used by the general public.

In total, Andhi Pramono's collection of vehicles reached Rp1,846,800,000 alias Rp1.8 billion.

The following are the details of Andhi Pramono's collection of vehicles



This is information about the collection of Andhi Pramono vehicles, Makassar Customs and Excise officials who are targeted by PPATK because they have unnatural assets. Read on VOI.ID to get other interesting news.