Use Of Essential Oil In Hair Can Help Get Rid Of Ketambe, Really?

JAKARTA - When it comes to hair problems, one of the most common problems that many people pay attention to is ketambe. Almost everyone has at least once had problems with ketombe. Dry head skin and lack of hair care can cause tombe.

There are several ways to remove tombes that can be applied at home. And according to the Times of India, Thursday, March 9, the most methods are carried out by many people in India, namely by applying essential oils to the hair.

Even so, of course, most people are reluctant to apply oil to their hair when they arety. This is logical, considering that oily head skin is a supporting factor for the appearance of ketombe. In addition, if oil mixes with dead skin cells and dirt, it can make the scalp even more itchy.

Cosmetologists Kiran Bhatt and Junoesque Clinic mention that there are two important consideration factors in utilizing essential oils as effective ketombe removers. First, the use of essential oils will effectively remove ketombes only if used twice a week, not every day. Second, make sure you choose oils with the right content to deal with ketombe. Because with the fitting material it can prevent the dryning of the ketombe cause and increase blood circulation to the scalp. The recommendations of essential oils for warmmed hair are tea tree oil, geranium oil, peppermint oil, and rosemary oil.

Mild tombes can be caused by several things, including dry facial skin and bad reactions to the use of hair products. However, in more severe conditions, ketombe can be caused by seboroic dermatitis, namely chronic skin inflammation caused by fungi and hormone changes.

Ketombe is a common condition and causes the skin to peel. Although not contagious or serious, it can make a person less confident in his appearance. Mild tombes can be treated with soft daily shampoo or essential oil. If not successful, shampoos with special drug content can help.