The Wife Of The Defendant Karomani Resigns As Witness Of The Unila Student Admission Bribery Session

The wife of the former Chancellor of the University of Lampung (Unila) Karomani, Enung Juhartini, resigned as a witness at the follow-up trial of the 2022 Unila new student admission bribery case (PMB).

The Public Prosecutor (JPU) of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Agus Raharja said Enung resigned in the follow-up trial of the PMB Unila bribery case with the defendant Karomani, former Vice Chancellor I Unila Heryandi and former Senate Chairperson Unila M Basri, Tuesday 7 March,

"Today we present eight witnesses, but one person has resigned to be a witness, namely the wife of the defendant Karomani," Agus said at the Tanjungkanrang District Court, Bandarlampung, Tuesday, March 7.

The Public Prosecutor stated that in this trial seven witnesses were present, namely one witness outside the file, namely Linda Fitri as a housewife, then Giani Putri who worked at Bank Lampung, Central Lampung Regent Musa Ahmad, Hengki from the Banten Warriors Association.

Then, witnesses Marzani members of the West Tulangbawang DPRD, Mardiana members of the Lampung Provincial DPRD, and Head of Planning and Public Relations of Unila Budi Sutomo.

"The four witnesses who were presented were witnesses who had just been presented at this trial," said the Public Prosecutor.

Meanwhile, the other three witnesses are witnesses who have been presented at this trial, to be confronted for testimony at previous trials.

"Witnesses Marzani and Mardiana will be confronted with their statements with witness Budi Sutomo, because there was opposite testimony between the witnesses at the previous trial," he also said.

Karomani along with two other defendants, namely Deputy Chancellor I for Academic Affairs Unila, was inactive Prof. Heryandi and the inactive Chair of the Unila Senate Muhammad Basri became defendants in the case of allegedly accepting bribes for accepting new Unila students in 2022.

In this case, the KPK has named four suspects consisting of three people as bribe recipients, namely Prof. Dr. Karomani (former Chancellor of Unila), Deputy Chancellor I for Academic Affairs Unila Heryandi, and Chair of the Unila Senate Muhammad Basri.

Meanwhile, the suspect who gave the bribe was a private party, namely Andi Desfiandi, who had been sentenced by the panel of judges.