Comedian Srimulat,ployed Fined Rp90 Million, PLN Opens Voice

JAKARTA - Comedian Srimulat was fined IDR 90 million by PT PLN (Persero). This was revealed through the vent of members of his family through social media Instagram.

Through Instagram, it is known that in 2009 filmed a house unit as a gift for his daughter Galuh Pujiwati and replaced the electricity meter. Until last February, PLN officers visited his house to block the electricity line at the house.

"After 15 years (the house is occupied), this is February 2023 on the 6th, PLN officers come to the house. Immediately want to be blocked, the fault is not in the customer, the fine is Rp. 90 million," said GUSt, quoted on Tuesday, March 7.

Barang then went to PLN and received relief so that he only paid Rp72 million and the electricity in his house had to be installed new and paid a fee of Rp5 million.

"It's been 15 years, it's been three days, it hasn't been paid for, it's been blocked," continued cap.

The video also mentions the name of the Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) Erick Thohir in response to the video of his complaint.

"Hopefully this will be heard by Mr. Erick Thohir, I know it well," said GUS.

Responding toour complaints, UP3 Kramat Jati Manager PLN UID Jakarta Raya Aditya Yoga Nugraha explained that his party had carried out P2TL implementation procedures in accordance with applicable regulations at Galuh Pujiwati's house, the son of Toto Muriadi

"When the P2TL was carried out by officers, it was found that Galuh's house used electricity from the kWh meter which was previously registered in another location," Aditya said in a statement to the media, Tuesday, March 7.

Yoga said, Galuh as the owner of the house also objected and had met with the Objection Team from the Directorate General of Electricity (DJK), Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. As a result, the objection was rejected.

He also added that both Galuh and bordering had accepted the fine's decision and had made payments. After obtaining an explanation from PLN,KOW understands the condition for customer safety reasons. If electricity flowing into the house does not comply with PLN's standards, it will potentially endanger customers.

"So P2TL is merely a preventive effort from PLN to maintain the safety of its customers," said Yoga.

Learning from this case, Yoga also appealed to the public before making rental transactions to rent or buy and sell house assets to ensure that the electricity condition of the house is safe and in accordance with its designation.

"People can contact PLN to check the condition of electricity in the house through the PLN Mobile application feature, very easy and free" concluded Yoga.