The Duties And Authority Of PPATK, Independent Institutions That Work To Eradicate Money Laundering

YOGYAKARTA - The Financial Transaction Reports and Analysis Center (PPATK) is an dependent institution formed to eradicate and prevent money laundering. What are the duties and authorities of PPATK?

Recently, PPATK blocked more than 40 accounts belonging to Rafael Alun Trisambodo, a former official of the Directorate General of Taxes (DJP) of the Ministry of Finance. The frozen account consists of personal accounts and legal entities or companies. Previously, PPATK had also blocked the account of a tax consultant for allegedly being involved in the crime of money laundering committed by Rafael Alun.

PPATK does work as a central institution or local point to carry out efforts to prevent and eradicate money laundering offenses in Indonesia. So what are the tasks and powers of PPATK?

The implementation of PPATK has been regulated in Law Number 8 of 2010. There are a number of functions that must be carried out by PPATK in preventing and eradicating money laundering offenses.

PPATK is directly responsible to the president in carrying out his duties and functions. The following is PPATK's task:

For accountability, PPATK is obliged to make and submit reports on the implementation of its duties, functions and authorities. Reports are carried out regularly every six months to the president and DPR.

PPATK has a number of powers that have been regulated in the law, based on their functions. The following is the authority of PPATK:

Based on data and information management functions, PPATK has the authority to organize an information system.

Such is the task and authority of PPATK as an independent institution tasked with preventing and eradicating money laundering. PPATK works as an independent and free institution from interference and influence from any party.

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