Ministry Of Religion Guyur Haji Indramayu Dormitory Rp6.7 Billion, The Allocation Is For Support Facilities

JABAR - West Java Provincial Government said the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) allocated a budget of Rp6.7 billion for supporting facilities for Hajj Dormitory Indramayu, such as public roads and street lighting (PJU). "And for others, we will help collaborate from BUMD to meet the needs of water facilities and also where wudhu and so on," said the Assistant for Government and People's Welfare of the West Java Provincial Secretariat, Dedi Supandi, when contacted from Bandung, West Java (West Java), Monday 6 March, was confiscated by Antara. Dedi said, for the Haji Indramayu Dormitory mosque, which is currently unfinished, the solution is to use the dormitory hall to function as a mosque.Aula consisting of two floors, the second floor will be used as a means of meeting while the second floor will be used as a mosque. "If the mosque will we support it but the development plan is not for this year. So we will use to maximize the existing important facilities this Hajj dormitory can be used as of May 24, 2023 serving the Hajj pilgrims," he said. In addition to the Haji Indramayu administration, said Dedi, the West Java Provincial Government will also fix the completeness at the West Java International Airport, Kertajati, in Majalengka Regency, which will also be the 2023 Hajj Embarkation for pilgrims from Cirebon, Kuningan, Indramayu and Majalengka. "For the facilities in BIJB, the readiness has been reviewed, yesterday there was still a shortage of waiting room seats, and the charger tools, we want facilitation so that immigration from Saudi Arabia is also present at BIJB and they can carry out direct immigration in Indonesia," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of the West Java Ministry of Religion Regional Office, Ajam Mushaja admitted that the Indramayu Hajj Dormitory was far from perfect. However, said Ajam, his party encouraged the Ministry of Religion to approve the dormitory so that it could be used as a service to the community. "So for the Indramayu Hajj Dormitory, it must be a Hajj service with makeshift facilities God willing, it is better. The West Java Provincial Government can help for environmental roads and lighting and mosques as well. But apparently we will not push the most to the streets and lighting," he concluded.