Garbage Volume In Biak Increases, 70 Tons Per Day

BIAK - Biak Numfor Regency Environmental Agency, Papua daily lifts household waste and market waste with a volume of 70 tons/day, increasing from the usual 60 tons/day.

"The increase in the volume of household waste can be greater during religious holidays up to 80-90 tons/day," said Head of the Biak Numfor Environmental and Hygiene Service Iwan Ismulyanto AP to ANTARA in Biak, Monday, March 6.

To manage waste in Biak, according to Iwan, his party has prepared an organization to manage the regional technical implementation unit (UPT) of waste for the final disposal site with structural positions equivalent to echelon IV.

"The garbage UPT officials have been prepared just waiting to be sworn in by the Regent of Biak, Herry Ario Naap," said Iwan Ismulyanto.

He hopes that with the UPT of waste, it is hoped that it can more optimally overcome household waste which reaches 70 tons every day.

"The number of tonnages of household waste transported to the final disposal site came predominantly from the residents of Biak Kota, Samofa and Yendidori districts to the East Biak Bosnik market," said Head of the Biak Iwan Environment and Hygiene Service.

The head of DLH Iwan said that every day the garbage transportation that was accommodated by dozens of trash containers was distributed at certain locations in the city of Biak, Samofa, Darfuar market, Inpres market, East Biak Bosnik market and Yendidori district was taken to the final disposal site.

The Head of the Environment Office, Iwan Ismulyanto, appealed to Biak residents to work together to maintain environmental cleanliness by not littering.

Iwan also invited Biak Numfor residents to do 3R (reuse, reduce and recycle) to sort out and process household waste into economic value in the local neighborhood.

"Biaak Numfor Regency is known as the cleanest small city in Indonesia because it received the Adipura trophy six times," he said.

According to ANTARA's monitoring, around 491 cleaners were deployed to sweep and transport garbage on various roads in order to maintain the cleanliness of the city of Biak Numfor.

Several roads in Biak city include Jalan Imam Bonjol, Pramuka, Sam Ratulangi, Surido Raya and Majapahit looking neat and clean from garbage.