Extreme Weather In Banjarmasin Has Eated 2 Casualties, Basarnas Asks Fishermen Not To Go To Sea First

SOUTH KALIMANTAN - Basarnas Banjarmasin appealed to fishermen not to go to sea temporarily during extreme weather because it is very dangerous for life safety.

"Currently the weather is not friendly, it often rains with high intensity and strong winds," said Head of the Banjarmasin Basarnas Banjarmasin Office in Banjarbaru, Monday, March 6, as reported by Antara.

Moreover, the Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) through the Syamsudin Noor Banjarmasin Meteorological Station has warned that the South Kalimantan region has the potential to be hit by extreme rain. This potential includes high waves and coastal flooding (rob) in the Kotabaru and Tanah Bumbu Regencies to the Barito watershed.

In fact, in the past month, two fishermen have died due to drowning while looking for fish during extreme weather.

The first incident killed Jamal (35), a fisherman who drowned in the waters of the Barito River, Aluh-Aluh District, Banjar Regency on Monday, February 20 when the boat used overturned by the big waves.

His body was found on Tuesday, February 21, by a joint SAR team about 100 meters from the location where the victim was missing.

Then the second incident happened to Wahyudin (35), a fisherman from Karang Payau Village, Kelumpang Hulu District, Kotabaru Regency who drowned while looking for shrimp at the Bangkalan river estuary, Bangkalan Village, Kelumpang Hulu District, on Saturday, March 4 afternoon at around 15.30 WITA.

The victim fell from the boat when the weather was heavy accompanied by strong winds and lightning.

His body was later found this morning about 100 meters downstream from the last known position (LKP) or the last position was discovered when the victim fell.

Amrad also reminded fishermen to always use personal protective equipment or floating equipment such as life jackets and other floating aids to maintain safety.

"Because we don't know when the disaster will come, so if we do activities at sea or river, we still prioritize safety," he said.