Need Mujizat, Healing David Ozora Victims Of Persecution Can Be 4 Months

JAKARTA - The condition of the victim of the persecution of Cristalino David Ozora (17) has now gradually improved, and so it takes 4 months for David's recovery to return to normal as usual. This was said by Lawyer David, M Syahwan Arey during a visit to the Editor's Office, Friday, March 3 afternoon. He said, David Ozora's health condition which was a victim of Mario Dandy's persecution began to improve. Despite being unconscious, David gave a response from his limbs. "If you wake up completely yet, but if there is a movement of hands, feet already, thank God," he said. According to Syahwan Arey, David is still undergoing intensive care in the ICU Mayapada Hospital. David has not shown any signs of consciousness. "The doctor said, medically David needed about three to four months to be able to return to normal," he said.Pun the healing process takes a relatively long time, Syahwan Arey said, the family had not planned to move David to another hospital. "I don't think (shifting the hospital), because according to doctors one to three weeks David should be able to wake up. But it needs a miracle and prayer," he added. David's father, Jonathan Latumazina through his social media account @sexxsuck on March 1 explained that David's condition was able to respond to his movement, hearing, and his vision had already made tremendous progress. "That's because the prayers of all friends, because this progress is beyond expectations," he wrote.

During the coma, David gave a very concerning body response. This 17-year-old teenager continued to experience seizures for two days. David was in a coma with a very worrying response. "There will be people paying for the torture," added Jonathan.