Different Treatments, Agnes's Status 'Perpetrator' Is Not A'suspect' In The Case Of Persecution

JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya has decided to increase the status of AG (Agnes) as the perpetrator in the case of mistreatment of David Ozora. Agnes was called by the police as the perpetrator, not a suspect, the police said this because he was a minor.

Dirkrimum Polda Metro Jaya, Kombes Hengki Haryadi said, with Agnes's underage status, the nickname for Mario Dandy's lover in the police is currently the perpetrator.

"Then secondly, there is a change in status from Agnes, who was initially a child in conflict with the law, changed her status or increased her status to become a child who is in conflict with the law or other words the perpetrator or child," said Hengki in his statement Thursday, March 2.

"So this minor should not be called a suspect," he continued.

Agnes kemudian dijerat oleh penyidik kepolisian dengan Pasal 76 c jo 80 UU Perlindungan anak dan/atau pasal 355 ayat (1) KUHP jo Pasal 3556 ayat (1) KUHP subsider 354 ayat (1) juncto Pasal 356 KUHP lebih subsider Pasal 353 ayat (2) jo 56 KUHP lebih subsider 351 ayat (2)

Regarding the threat of punishment, the former Central Jakarta Police Chief was reluctant to explain in more detail. "Regarding the maximum threat, criminal experts will convey it," he said.

According to Hengki, the determination of the latest status is based on a number of evidences that do lead to the involvement of the 17-year-old woman.

In this case of persecution, it is known that there are now three people. Namely Mario Dandy Satriyo, Shane and Agnes who are known to be in Rubicon when they are about to persecute David.

Looking at several cases of child abuse with children, the police have previously referred to children as suspects of abuse several times.

Like the viral video case of two teenagers suspected of being IH and VH students using a motorcycle riding to kick a grandmother walking in Tapanul in November 2022.

The Head of the South Tapanuli Police, AKBP Imam Zamroni, in a video uploaded to the official account of the South Tapanuli Police, @official.polresapsel, Wednesday (11/23/2022), named the two teenagers as suspects. Both admitted to being fun when molesting the victim on the side of the road.

Or the case of alleged mistreatment of ZAS (16), a junior high school student at the Purwodadi Advent Advanced School (Slapur), Pasuruan in October 2022 and the police named two suspects, namely M (17) and PC (17). Both are friends of the victim's school.

The two suspects were charged with Article 80 of the Republic of Indonesia Law Number 35 of 2014 concerning Amendments to Law No. 23 of 2002 concerning Child Protection or Article 170 of the Criminal Code.

"We have named them as suspects M and PC. The two suspects have undergone investigation. However, investigators have not made arrests because they are minors," said Pasuruan Police Criminal Investigation Unit Head AKP Adhi Putranto Utomo.