Tempted By Cheap Rice And Sugar Prices, More Than 60 Mothers In Banda Aceh Become Victims Of Fraud

BANDA ACEH - Victims of low-cost food buying and selling fraud in Banda Aceh continue to increase to 60 people from the previous 53 victims. The total loss is estimated at around Rp. 2 billion."The number of victims who were deceived in buying cheap basic necessities continues to increase and has now reached more than 60 people," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit of the Banda Aceh Police, Kompol Fadillah Aditya Pratama in Banda Aceh, Antara, Wednesday, March 1.Previously, on Monday, February 27, the Banda Aceh Police received reports that 53 women in the capital city of Aceh province were victims of low-cost food buying and selling fraud, causing losses of up to IDR 2 billion."The victims are mothers who are suspected of being deceived in buying cheap basic necessities, currently causing losses estimated at more than Rp. 2 billion," said Fadillah.Fadhillah said the case was still in the process of further investigation. He asked the people who were victims to immediately make a report with evidence.According to him, this case has been included in a criminal act of fraud because the victims had bought groceries to the perpetrator with the initials NB at a low price. However, basic necessities have not been received, so in this case the victim feels disadvantaged.Fadillah said that the basic necessities sold to the mothers ranged from cooking oil, rice, sugar andgalos. Where, the victims bought it with the aim of reselling it.Fadillah said, this business was carried out offline or by word of mouth, then the victims were interested because the price of basic necessities offered was relatively cheap compared to other wholesale shops.Then, the victims transferred some money to the alleged perpetrators, but the victim never received the basic necessities."Currently we are still collecting evidence and witness statements for further investigation," said Kompol Fadillah.For information, in response to this problem, the Banda Aceh Police have created a complaint post for people who feel they are victims.The public can directly come to the complaint post by bringing photocopies of their ID cards, proof of transfers to the perpetrators and mentioning the amount of losses.Or, you can also contact the Head of Pidum Ipda Heri Sabhara in contact number 085260174128. This post was created because the number of victims is increasing day by day.