Steven's Lawyers 100% Sure To Beat Jessica Iskandar In Court

JAKARTA - Christopher Stefanus Budianto alias Steven's civil lawsuit trial against Jessica Iskandar will enter the final stage. On Wednesday, March 1, 2023, the case took place at the South Jakarta District Court (PN) with an agenda of incorporating conclusions.

Togar Situnorang as Steven's attorney said that he was confident that he could win the lawsuit against the artist who is familiarly called Jedar. "Yes, 100 percent (win), I'm very sure," he said after the trial to the media crew.

He assessed that the evidence presented by Jedar in the trial was not strong. "Moreover, the evidence is only a copy and has nothing to do with the legal events that we are suing here. Copy of the copy too, and especially their witnesses do not exist," he continued.

In today's trial, Steven's side through Togar Situmorang has submitted a conclusion explaining the reasons for entering the lawsuit, the evidence that has been shown to the panel of judges in the previous trial and the statements of the two witnesses.

Steven's attorney also explained the reasons for his client's lawsuit against Jessica Iskandar and Vincent Verhaag, which was Jedar's press conference some time ago.

"We include this lawsuit because of a press conference that does not have a legal basis. Because why, during the press conference, Jessica and Vincent's side through their attorneys were busy inviting journalists, it was stated that our client, named CSW, was said to be a fraud," he said.

"Then it was stated that (Jessica Iskandar) suffered a loss in the form of 11 cars and Rp9.8 billion in cash. In addition, we are said to have carried out money laundering. Now this is not true, especially when we are called a car sales syndicate. This clearly damages reputation," he continued.

Togar explained that in the next two weeks, the panel of judges will issue a verdict on the lawsuit from his client against Jessica Iskandar.

The judge's decision was postponed in two weeks. So on March 15 is the verdict. But the judge's decision will come from the e-court, so each party can see the decision from the e-court," concluded Togar Situmorang.