Dompu Water and Air Police Evacuate 3 Fisherman Victims of Boat Capsizing on Satonda Beach

MATARAM - Water and Air Police (Polairud) personnel from the Dompu Police evacuated the victims of three fishermen who were found nearly drowned after the boat capsized in the waters around Satonda Island, Pekat District, Dompu Regency, West Nusa Tenggara.

"They were found adrift in a boat that had capsized due to the bad weather that hit at the time of the incident", said Dompu Police Chief AKBP Iwan Hidayat quoted by ANTARA, Tuesday, February 28.

The incident began when the victims named Bandi (35), Hamdi (18) and Oderia (17), at around 05.30 WITA went to sea by boat from the beach in Beranti Hamlet, Nangamiro Village.

"The plan is to go to sea in the sea of Flores, to be precise on the north side of Satonda Island, with a radius of about 200 meters", he said.

When they arrived at their destination, they prepared to go down into the sea to shoot fish.

However, suddenly bad weather conditions accompanied by high sea waves hit the boat they were travelling on, causing it to capsize and almost sink.

"At the time of the incident, while the victim was floating with the boat, they had time to ask for help from fishermen passing around not far from the scene of the incident, so the fishermen in the area approached and some reported to the Polairud Pospam which is located on the coast of Beranti Pier", he said.

Receiving this information, members of the Dompu Polres Polirud Unit together with volunteers from residents of Calabai Village, conducted a search using patrol boats and speed boats owned by the volunteers to the direction of Satonda Island.

"The victim was found safe on the coast of Satonda Island, then the victim was evacuated and the boat was pulled by patrol boat XXI-2005 to Beranti Hamlet, Nanga Miro Village", he said.