Fire At The Madurese Settlement Regarding The Stabbing Of Satpol PP At The HI Roundabout?

The Gambir Metro Police are still investigating the location of the fire in the RT 03/05 area, South Petojo Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta. Meanwhile, regarding the alleged element of sabotage at the location of the fire, the police have not been able to confirm it.

"Until now there has been no (indication of sabotage)," said Gambir Metro Police Chief Kompol Mugia Yarry Junanda to VOI at the location, Tuesday, February 28.

Meanwhile, when asked whether the fire incident in the Madurese residential area in the Gambir area was related to the stabbing of members of the Satpol PP by mobile coffee traders (starling) in Menteng, the Sector Police Chief could not conclude.

"Until now there has been no indication that it is going that way. Of course, the results of the investigation by the Gambir Police for the Laboratory are combined, then it will be announced as a whole from the results of the examination," he said.

Meanwhile, Gambir Sub-district Head Andri Ferdian added that the area of land burned was about 2 hectares. Meanwhile, there were 342 people in the burning location, out of 87 families (KK).

"But outside of that, there are also many people working around this location, they rent or rent on this land," he added.

The sub-district head asked the contractor residents to proactively report themselves to the local RT/RW.

"So if there is an incident like this, Mr. RT has data. It must be from the community who actively report," he said.

Previously, it was reported that the Gambir Metro Police together with the Forensic Laboratory Center (Puslabfor) of the National Police Headquarters conducted TKP and took soil samples, debris and charcoal from the fire at the former fire site, RT 03/05, South Petojo Village, Gambir District, Central Jakarta on Tuesday, February 28, afternoon.