Postponed In 2020, 145 Ternate City Hajj Pilgrims Departed 2023

TERNATE - Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) of Ternate City, North Maluku stated that 145 prospective Hajj pilgrims (CJH) whose departures had been postponed in 2020, were confirmed to depart for Hajj in 2023.

Head of the Office of the Ministry of Religion (Kemenag) of Ternate City, Amir Tomagola through the Head of PHU Nurmala Basta, said that apart from the postponement of CJH in 2020, the postponement in 2022 will also depart this year.

"Indeed, there are 145 pilgrims who have been delayed in 2020 and 2022 will depart in 2023," said Nurmala, Tuesday, February 28.

His party detailed, for the departure of Hajj in 2023 aged over 65 years as many as 54 people and 17 people died, so that they could be replaced by relatives.

He said that all CJHs delayed in 2020 had paid off and did not need to pay additional fees, then, the CJH, which had been paid off, but had their departure postponed in 2022, had an additional fee of more than Rp. 9 million.

Meanwhile, for passport processing issues, everything is complete, just extend the passport if someone has expired and there is also an activity of mobile passports, so maybe March 1, 2023, the passport of the prospective pilgrim will be completed.

The Ministry of Religion of Ternate City, said Nurmala, has also scheduled Manasik and health checks in March 2023

"Hopefully the names of prospective pilgrims when it has been announced we will carry out Manasik in March 2023 and the quota in 2023 in Ternate City itself is still waiting for an official decision from the central government," he said.

Nurmala also appealed to CJHs who will depart this year's hajj season to continue to prepare themselves, especially health problems for those who fall into the high-risk category, such as having a disease and being elderly.

Previously, the Head of the North Maluku Ministry of Religion, Amar Manaf, when contacted stated that the Ministry of Religion set a 2023 hajj quota for North Maluku Province as many as 1,076 CJH, 54 of whom were elderly and 94 TKHD.

As for CJH, which canceled departure in 2020 and has paid off the cost of Hajj, it is no longer charged to pay an additional fee set by the Indonesian Ministry of Religion.