Hooray! Lebaran 2023 Free Motor Transport Program Re-opens, Records Implementation Schedule, Terms, And How To Register

YOGYAKARTA The central government through the Ministry of Transportation (Kemenhub) has reopened free motor transportation to support Lebaran 2023 homecoming. The Lebaran 2023 Free Motorcycle Transport Program is expected to reduce the number of accidents during homecoming.

Director of Traffic and Train Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation Djarot Tri Wardhono said that the Eid 2023 Free Motorcycle Transport (Motis) program is different from the previous year. This year, the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) will combine a series of passenger trains with freight trains.

That way, passengers and goods can go home together with a series of trains this year.

"So 4 passenger trains are coupled with 3 freight trains carrying a motorbike. This is what distinguished the previous motis from the motis this year," he said at the Ngobras event, at the Ministry of Transportation, Jakarta, Monday, February 20.

Djarot said that travelers carrying motorbikes can buy tickets at a price of Rp. 10,000 to Rp. 20,000 per person. Meanwhile, the motorbike is free of charge.

Meanwhile, previously, said Djarot, ticket rates were charged according to the applicable passenger train rates. Later, said Djarot, travelers with one motorbike can also buy two train tickets.

Quoted from Antara, Tuesday, January 28, 2023, the following is the schedule for the 2023 Eid Free Motorcycle Transport program:

Requirements for List of Lebaran 2023 Free Motor Transport Programs

People who want to take part in the Lebaran 2023 Free Motorcycle Transport program must meet the following requirements:

How to register for the 2023 Lebaran Free Motor Transport Program can be done by following the following steps:

1. Open long homecoming.dephub.go.id in your browser.

2. Click the Montis program menu, then the registration form will be opened

3. Fill in the 2023 free homecoming registration form with:

4. If everything is filled in, then click'search for a trip'. Later a registration detailed form will appear

5. Next, fill in the registration form according to your ID card, KK, SIM C, STNK, and the amount of the motorbike

6. Follow all registration processes and complete all data collection requested by the system until completion.

7. If so, then verify registration at the designated train station.

8. Hand over the motorbike to the selected station, a maximum of one day before departure. Your motorbike can be taken a maximum of one day after arrival.

9. When you take the motorbike, you must bring proof of registration and proof of delivery.

This is information about the schedule for the Lebaran 2023 Free Motor Transport program along with the requirements and how to list it. To get other interesting information, keep reading VOI.ID.