Four Policemen The Victims Of Helicopter Emergency Landing Incident In Jambi Have Returned From The Hospital

JAMBI - Four victims of a helicopter crash in the hilly area of ​​Tamiai Village, Kerinci, Jambi have finished undergoing treatment at the Jambi Bhayangkara Hospital.

Head of Jambi Police Public Relations Commissioner Mulia Prianto said of the six victims of the Super Bell 3001 Police Helicopter boarded by the Jambi Police Chief and his entourage who were undergoing treatment at the Jambi Bhayangkara Hospital, four of them had finished undergoing treatment.

"Yes, that's true. Out of the six people being treated at Bhayangkara Jambi Hospital, four have returned home," he said as reported by ANTARA, Monday, February 27.

The four people are the Jambi Police Director of Criminal Investigation, Kombes Andri Ananta Yudhistira, Dirpolairud Jambi Police, Kombes Michael Mumbunan, Koorspripim Kompol Ayani, and helicopter mechanic Aipda Susilo.

Meanwhile, there are two people who are still undergoing treatment at the Jambi Bhayangkara Hospital, namely Pilot AKP Ali Nurdin S Harahap, and co-pilot AKP Amos Freddy P Sitompul.

Mulia explained that the four people had been sent home because their condition had greatly improved. Meanwhile, two more people are currently recovering and receiving treatment from a team of doctors at Bhayangkara Hospital.

Meanwhile, Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono and his aide Brigadier Muhardi Aditya are undergoing treatment at the Kramat Jati Police Hospital, East Jakarta.

On Thursday (23/2) the Jambi Police Chief underwent surgery on the vertebrae or vertebrae and joint locations.

Mulia said that the condition of the Regional Police Chief and his aide were currently getting better and were still under the supervision of a team of doctors for recovery.