The First Round Qualification Session Of Powerboat F1 On Lake Toba Was Postponed Due To Winds

Strong winds forced the first round qualifying session of the F1 Powerboat World Championship (F1H2O) which was scheduled to take place in the waters of Lake Toba in the Muliaja Napitupulu Harbor area, Balige, North Sumatra, Saturday, February 25 to be postponed. Based on a written statement from F1H2O, the qualifying session was rescheduled to Sunday 26 February morning or before the race took place in the afternoon.The qualification session of the Lake Toba F1 is actually scheduled to roll out today at 15:00 to 16:00 WIB. A total of 20 racers have also been lowered into Lake Toba waters and had circled the trajectory for several minutes. However the wind began to blow fast from the northeast. This condition made Race Director Luis Ribero take the decision to postpone the qualifying session for the safety of the riders. Then, the drivers' ships were lifted back to the surface. Reported by Antara, today, the participants also had time to conduct a free practice session from 10:00 to 11:00 WIB. From 20 down racers, Jonas Andersson of Team Sweden became the fastest with a time of 59.90 seconds on lap 14th.

The record time has increased from before, when Andersson first felt the waters of Lake Toba, which was with a time of 1 minute 09.17 seconds. The defending champion Shaun Torrente from the Abu Dhabi Team posted a time of 1 minute 00.12 seconds on lap 20. Torrente began to control the 2.2 km long track when compared to yesterday with a time record of 1 minute 11.67 seconds. The third position in the free exercise, today, was occupied by Marit Stromoy of Stromoy Racing F1H2O who made 29 laps with 1 minute 00.18 seconds. The only female rider performed brilliantly, even though yesterday she was down in extra free practice session. Another Stromoy Racing racer, Bartek Marszalek, is in fourth position with 1 minute 00.48 seconds. Team Dubai rider, Thani Al Qemzi, is in fifth position with 1 minute 00.63 seconds.