Money To Property, This Is A Row Of Luxury Goods Doni Salmanan Confiscated By The State

The Bandung High Court (PT) sentenced the defendant in the fraudulent investment case for the binary option of Doni Salmanan to 8 (eight) years in prison. He was also sentenced to a fine of Rp. 1 billion, subsidiary to 6 months in prison. Not only that, a number of Doni Salmanan's assets were also confiscated by the state. Doni Salmanan's row of luxury items confiscated by the state varied, ranging from money to assets in the form of houses and land.

In the decision of PT Bandung Number 1/PID.SUS/2023/PT BDG with February 21, 2023, it includes a list of Doni Salmanan's assets which were confiscated by the state and have the status of evidence. These luxury items are as follows.

As mentioned earlier, a number of Doni Salmanan's assets confiscated for the state are evidence consisting of several luxury vehicles, home assets, money, and other valuables.

Regarding the fate of Doni's luxury items which were confiscated by the state, Public Relations of PT Bandung Jesayas Tarigan explained that the confiscation of evidence was not to be returned to the person who was the victim of Doni Salmanan, but to be auctioned off and handed over to the state.

"The asset in the form of valuables will be auctioned off later, that's part of the prosecutor's office," he explained.

That's information related to Doni Salmanan's row of luxury items confiscated by the state. Visit VOI.ID to get other interesting information.