7 Ways To Form A Woman's Arm, Can Be DONE At Home

YOGYAKARTA - Not only men who want to have strong arms. Many women are also ambitious to have strong arm muscles. There are several ways to easily and quickly shape a female arm muscle.

Exercise of muscle strength is not only needed by men. Many women have ambitions to have a fit and stocky body. In addition to hip muscles, women also target the formation of arm muscles.

Having a strong arm muscle will make it easier to do a lot of activity. Given that most human activities always use hands. In addition, having an athletic muscle also supports an increasingly attractive appearance. How to form a female arm muscle that is easy to implement?

To form a strong arm, women need to do sports that move tricep and bicep muscles. There are several exercises or exercises that can be done at home to strengthen the arm muscles. You just need to live it for 10 to 20 minutes every day regularly.

Here are the tips for exercise to form arm muscles:

This activity is common and easy to do. Push is a practice of pushing or lifting a body that is useful for increasing trisep, shoulder, and chest muscles. Push up movement is very simple, as follows:

Bicep curl is an easy arm muscle exercise with the help of a dumbbell. This exercise is useful for increasing the mass of the bicep muscles. The muscles at the top of the arm. Bicep curls can be done by standing tall like the following steps:

Pull Up has been recognized as a exercise to form muscles on the back of the top. It turns out that pull up can also increase the arm muscle because the biceps muscles and branchialists work while you do this exercise. Here are the steps to pull up.

The dumbbell row exercise is done with a dumbbell tool. This exercise is useful for increasing tricep muscles or muscles that are on the back of the arm. How to do the dumbbell row is very easy, here are the steps:

This one movement is almost the same as push-ups. The difference is that the plank only holds the weight of the body, does not lift and lower it. Plank is known as a sport to tighten the stomach muscles. In addition, this sport is also useful for increasing tricep strength. Here's how to plan.

This exercise is done with a dumbbell tool. Dubbell kickback is useful for shaping tricep muscles. How to do it is very easy, like this:

Triceps dips are useful for shaping the muscles of the bicep, tricep, and shoulder. How to do this exercise is quite easy and does not need a tool. Here are the steps to do triceps dips:

That's a review of how to form a female arm muscle. You can do the exercise above at home without having to go to the gym. You can spend time on the sidelines of busy doing the exercise for 10 to 20 minutes. In order to get maximum results, the key is to do it regularly.

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