The Evacuation Of The Jambi Police Chief, National Police Chief Sigit: While Mapping The Land Rescue Line

JAKARTA - National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo said the evacuation team was mapping the route or land rescue route for the Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono and seven other victims.This mapping was carried out because the evacuation process through the air route was always constrained by the weather and the steep terrain of Kerinci's hills."Therefore, we are making mapping related to the closest route and safe route for victims," General Sigit told reporters, Tuesday, February 21.This step was taken because four victims, including Inspector General Rusdi Hartono, had to receive medical treatment quickly. Because they were seriously injuredSo far, only the condition of the Jambi Police Chief has just been known. He is said to have suffered an injury to his hand."Our friends who were injured because they really needed special steps so as not to add injuries. On the other hand, it can also work well and the safety of our friends who are currently injured is our priority," he said.Untuk mempercepat proses evakuasi, tim tambahan dikerahkan. Baik yang memalui udara atau pub darat."So now we have deployed an additional team to prepare for the possibility of us doing ground SAR," said Sigit.Jambi Police Chief Inspector General Rusdi Hartono and his entourage experienced a terrible incident. The helicopter they were traveling in lost contact on Sunday, February 19.A total of 8 people were victims. Apart from that, the Kapolda there are also several Jambi Regional Police officials and helicopter crews.Apart from the Jambi Police Chief, other police personnel who were victims of the incident were the Director of Criminal Investigation of the Jambi Regional Police, Kombes Pol Andri Ananta Yudhistira, Director of Police of the Jambi Regional Police, Kombes Pol Michael Mumbunan, Koorspripim Kompol Bahi, ADC Brigadier Muhardi Aditya.Then, there were three helicopter crews, namely pilot AKP Ali Nurdin S Harahap, co-pilot AKP Amos Freddy P Sitompul, and mechanical named Aipda Susilo.