Through 'Centering Density' And 'Serat Kartini', Ganjar Try To Rate Poverty In Central Java

JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo prioritizes vulnerable women, children, and people with disabilities in efforts to develop and develop regions. He said vulnerable groups need special attention in the problem of poverty in Central Java.

"Every Musrenbang in Central Java, the group of women and children and my disability is prioritized. This is an affirmative action in making decisions," said Ganjar in his statement, Tuesday, February 21.

As is well known, women and children are included in vulnerable groups because they tend to have a greater economic dependence on others. When living in poverty, women and children are often the most affected victims. Therefore, efforts to reduce poverty and strengthen the economic independence of vulnerable groups are very important.

Ganjar also initiated two innovations for the two vulnerable groups, namely 'Sesolah Perempuan Certificate Zaman Now' or 'Serat Kartini' and 'Center Ketan', which stands for "Prevent Stunting in Vulnerable Groups'.

Serat Kartini targets women with family status, COVID-19 survivors, victims of violence, victims of disasters, people with disabilities, PGOT, and even the ODHA category. This innovation empowers vulnerable group women through entrepreneurial training nets. Meanwhile, Ceting Ketan reduced stunting rates ( growth disorders in children due to chronic nutrition) in Central Java.

Program Peningkatan Produktivitas Ekonomi Perempuan (PPEP) dan Peningkatan Partisipasi Perempuan dalam Proses Pemutusan dalam implementasi Serat Kartini digeber untuk perempuan rawan di desa-desa.

Meanwhile, Ceting Ketan leads to the achievement of excellent health conditions and family welfare through family planning services, and assistance to the health of mothers and toddlers.

In Central Java, PPEP experienced an extraordinary leap in 2020 during the COVID019 pandemic. If in 2019 there were only three villages in three districts that were intervened, Ganjar managed to boost in 2020 to 1,701 villages in 35 regencies/cities.

In 2021 and 2022, the program to empower vulnerable women groups will continue with the same number being handled, namely 130 villages in 35 districts/cities.

The innovation made by Ganjar a few months ago has proven to be effective in reducing the problems experienced by the two vulnerable groups and received appreciation from various parties.

Regarding women's alignment, Ganjar succeeded in making Central Java receive the 2020 Anugerah Parahita Ekapraya (APE) award, the highest category, namely the Minister ofTOR. This award is the fourth time, the province led by Ganjar Pranowo, has won a reward for its seriousness in implementing gender mainstreaming.

Meanwhile, stunting, electronic applications-Recording and Reporting Community-Based Nutrition (e-PPGBM) show a significant decline in Central Java. In 2022 it reached 11.95 percent or decreased compared to 2018 which touched 24.4 percent. This also made Central Java get appreciation from the BKKBN.

The head of the Wonosobo Regency Small Business Women's Network (Jarpuk), as well as thePPEP Nuke Assistant Maya Kurniningsih, assessed that Ganjar's massive PPEP program was very much felt, because it made women in the village more empowered and independent.

Mereka tidak lagi hanya sebagai ibu rumah tangan, tapi perempuan produksi yang menghasilkan produk-produk hasil pelatikan seperti batik ecoprint dan menyaman besek tenong dan basket. Mereka juga jadi luar mengelola manajemen pemasaran, dan bisa mengurus PIRT (Pangan Industri Rumah tangga) ketika membuat industri rumahan, ujar Nuke, saat dihubungi.

There are various mentoring models carried out through PPEP and Household Industry. Starting to help manage licensing, encourage new business ideas, and open networks in the online market.

Currently, around 1,500 women are vulnerable from 15 sub-districts (12 urban villages and 16 villages) fostered by Jarpuk.

The same thing was expressed by Marlina Indrianingrum, a PPEP assistant in Kebumen Regency. His party thanked Ganjar because there were six villages that became the locus for activities. In fact, one of his fosterations is PPEP Sejatul in Wonosari Village, Sadang District became the first winner of the Central Java Level PPEP Competition in 2022.

The training activities for producing processed foods held by the province are very beneficial for mothers, especially to increase income. Here, they are taught online marketing, how to process bananas to become cassava and cassava to become nastar," he added.

Meanwhile, Ari from the PGOT Social Service Center, Mardi Utomo Semarang, admitted that while being fostered at the orphanage, his party received a lot of counseling about family planning through the Ceting Ketan program.

In addition, as a beneficiary, he was trained to make ecoprint as a provision during retirement later.

Head of the Central Java DP3AP2AKB Service, Retno Sudewi, added that the PPEP program trains productive economic business technical skills, both food processing and non-food processing or other skills by taking into account local potential and wisdom.

Some of the trainings that have been carried out include the manufacture of hotel sandals, hydroponic training, facial makeup training, food processing training, soap manufacturing, coffee and barista processing, ecoprint batik, ceramic manufacturing, and so on.