Bukan Soal Outbound, Wakil Ketua KPK Nawawi Pomolango Bilang Hal Ini Lebih Penting Untuk Hadapi Dinamika Pimpinan

JAKARTA - Deputy Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Nawawi Pomolango said the dynamics in the leadership environment cannot only be resolved by outside or other activities. There is something more important, one of which is understanding the principle of collegial collective in decision making.

"If we understand the principle of work, God willing, everything will be clear," Nawawi told VOI via text message, Monday, February 20.

Nawawi reminded that this collegial collective principle is in accordance with the KPK Law Number 19 of 2019. "That every decision-making must be approved and decided jointly," he said.

Furthermore, Nawawi also assessed that outbound activities to link relations between leaders are not important. Moreover, the working period of the KPK leadership in the Firli Bahuri era will expire at the end of this year.

"If you just want to go out now, you're getting old. Outbound as suggested by the Chairman of the KPK Supervisory Board, it's only good if the team just starts working together," he said.

As previously reported, the Deputy Chairperson of the KPK, Nurul Ghufron, admitted that there were several suggestions given by the KPK Supervisory Board to strengthen collegial collective principles. One of them is by holding an outbound.

This was conveyed when he was asked about the dynamics among the leaders of the anti-corruption commission which was revealed by the KPK Supervisory Board. Ghufron said, they have been reminded to work with a collegial collective concept as regulated in the KPK Law (UU) Number 19 of 2019.

"That is certainly a positive input for the leadership to improve, yes, one of which is so that for example, yes, outbound and others," Ghufron told reporters, Saturday, February 18.

Ghufron did not deny that there had indeed been dynamics in the midst of the leadership regarding the work to eradicate corruption. One of the reasons is because of the investigation into alleged corruption in the implementation of Formula E in Jakarta.