Jokowi Checks Food Prices At Wonokromo Market In Surabaya

JAKARTA - The President of the Republic of Indonesia Joko Widodo checked the prices of basic commodities at Wonokromo Market in Surabaya, East Java, Saturday, February 18. As for those that are checked, such as rice, cooking oil, shallots and eggs.

On that occasion the President was accompanied by the Governor of East Java Khofifah Indar Parawansa and the Mayor of Surabaya Eri Cahyadi.

"I want to check the goods called rice, has the operation from Bulog reached the market stalls? I saw that and the price was good earlier, IDR 44 thousand for 5 kilograms, meaning the price is below IDR 9 thousand," said Jokowi.

"Earlier, I saw that there were all of them and they were abundant here," said the number one person in Indonesia.

On that occasion, Jokowi also checked the prices of other basic commodities such as cooking oil, which often experienced ups and downs in prices, then shallots and eggs.

President Jokowi hopes that the prices of all basic commodities will be stable.

"I see that the stock of cooking oil is there, although it is not abundant, but the stock is there and the price is still at Rp. 14,000 per liter. I also see the price of eggs falling, even though it is only Rp. 1,000, but it has decreased, shallots also decreased. Price stability like this is what we want," he said.

The President revealed that since five days ago, rice operations have been carried out by Bulog which are expected to stabilize rice prices.

Jokowi also said that currently nationally it will soon enter the harvest period at the end of the month, which produces approximately 1 million tons and 1.9 million tons in March 2023.

"If the stock overflows in demand, it means that prices will automatically drop," he said.

Meanwhile, on the same occasion, Jokowi also distributed a number of food packages to t-shirts to local residents.

The enthusiasm of the community, both visitors and market traders, is very high. Residents are even willing to climb the road divider fence to see President Jokowi from close range.